Formule per MetaStock reg Green Byte Telematica Finanziaria egrave lieta di mettere a disposizione di coloro che fossero interessati, tutte le formule per MetaStock reg pubblicate daryIngegner Sergio Paolino sul settimanale di economia e finanza BorsaampFinanza copy. Di seguito troverete una tabella che riporta il nome della formula, il tool del MetaStock reg dove la formula viene importata (Indikator Builder reg. Exploer reg. Expert Advisor reg + Enhanced System Tester reg), lrsquoautore della formula ed il numero di BorsaampFinanza copy dove La formula viene riportata e spiegata nel dettaglio. Sul settimanale lrsquoIngegner Paolino partendo dalla formula originaria, ne illustra pregi e difetti ed eventuali modifiche apportate alla stessa per migliorarne la performance. Ricordiamo inoltre che egrave possibile acquistare le precedenti copie di BorsaampFinanza copy direttamente on line. Rumus Ogni verragrave copiata di una cartella (che avragrave come denominazione il numero della formula) contenuta allrsquointerno di C: FORMULE-METASTOCK. Attenzione. Le formule vengono fornite datang semplici spunti di riflessione e di esercizio accademico. Pertanto le formule proposte sono realizzate esclusivamente sebuah scopo didattico e come incentivo allo sviluppo di nuove. Le formule ed i dati hanno carattere indicativo qualsiasi decisione operativa basata su di esse egrave presa dallrsquoutente autonomamente e a proprio rischio. Avviso sullrsquouso e sulla proprietagrave dei dati. La prima operazione da effettuare terdiri dari nello scaricare il file autodecomprimente contenente la formula scelta, effettuando le seguenti operazioni: 1. Scegliere la formula che si intende scaricare riportata nella tabella sottostante, quindi una volta individuata la formula cliccare sul relativo Download posizionato a destra per iniziare Il trasferimento del file sul proprio PC. Alat dove viene importato (1) Attenzione: nella casella ldquo Autore rdquo egrave riportato lrsquoautore della formula pubblicata, nel caso in cui in questa casella fosse riportato anche ldquo Ing. Sergio Paolino rdquo, allora significherebbe che la formula contiene oltre a quella originale anche quella modificata dallIngegner Paolino. 2. Appariragrave quindi sebuah video la seguente finestra: 3. Cliccare infine sul tasto ldquo Salva rdquo per salvare il file sul PC, o ldquo Apri rdquo per aprire direttamente il file senza salvarlo sul PC. 4. Al termine dello scarico da file internet contenente la formula per MetaStock reg. Inizieragrave la decompressione del file sul PC. 5. Cliccare quindi sul Tasto ldquo OK rdquo della seguente bestra di dialogo per file ini la decompressione del file: 6. Cliccare quindi sul tasto ldquo Unzip rdquo (senza modificare nessun parametro) della successiva finestra: 7. Terminata la decompressione del file, cliccare sul Tasto ldquo OK rdquo della successiva finestra: Sebuah questo punto la formula egrave stata copiata nella cartella C: FORMULE-METASTOCKNNN pronta per essere importata nel MetaStock reg (merpati NNN egrave il numero della formula). Iklan esempio nel caso di cui volessimo importare la prima formula della tabella ldquo Indeks Psikologis rdquo questa verragrave copiata nella cartella C: FORMULE-METASTOCK643. Mente la seconda formula ldquo BMS Brownian Model Strategy rdquo verragrave copiata nella cartella C: FORMULE-METASTOCK646 e cos via. Per importare la formula di MetaStock reg effettuare le seguenti operazioni: 2. Aprire quindi un qualsiasi Tools del MetaStock reg. (Iklan esempio l Indikator Builder copy) e cliccare sul pulsante ldquo Organizerhellip rdquo. 3. Selezionare quindi la voce ldquo File formula impor rdquo e cliccare sul pulsante ldquo Avantigt rdquo. Sebuah questo punto dobbiamo inserire nella riga ldquo Folder: rdquo il percorso esatto della formula da importare. Quindi cliccando sul pulsante ldquo Browse rdquo andiamo a selezionare la cartella che contiene la nostra formula, che nel nostro caso saragrave C: FORMULE-METASTOCKNNN (merpati ldquo NNN rdquo egrave il numero della formula che si egrave scaricata). Cliccare infine sul pulsante ldquo Baik rdquo per formula nostra importare la di MetaStock reg. Sebuah questo punto aprendo il Tool del MetaStock reg (che nel nostro caso saragrave lrsquoIndicator Builder reg), troveremo la formula appena importata. Equity FD Janji Kami adalah konsultan spesialis yang hanya mencari direktur keuangan menjadi bisnis kewirausahaan. Kami berbeda dari semua perekrut lainnya pada tingkat ini daripada fokus pada sektor atau geografi (nasional atau internasional), kami berkonsentrasi pada tipe individu pertama dan terutama. Kami hanya melihat bekerja dengan FDS yang mencari tantangan yang benar-benar hebat, berhadapan dengan peran parapet, dan siapa yang memiliki keinginan nyata untuk terlibat dalam membangun kesuksesan perusahaan mereka. Seleksi peran terkini dan terkini. Direktur Keuangan ref: RDPT2 Gaji: Hingga 100k manfaat mungkin Ekuitas Tujuan utama dari pekerjaan Memimpin departemen keuangan untuk memberikan manajemen keuangan perusahaanrsquos yang efektif dan mendukung seluruh tim manajemen dalam pengelolaan strategis kelompok. Dalam lingkungan yang didukung oleh PE, pertahankan kontrol, prakiraan dan analisis komersial yang tepat memastikan laporan dan akun tepat waktu dan akurat, dan melalui ini membantu bisnis dalam mencapai tujuannya. Bekerja sama dengan tim sebagai motivator, fasilitator dan penggerak untuk kinerja keuangan dengan penekanan pada uang tunai selain keuntungan Mengelola modal kerja bisnis secara seimbang untuk mengurangi hutang sambil memaksimalkan peluang penjualan dan margin Manajemen yang efektif dari tim keuangan kecil Produksi anggaran dan prakiraan ulang yang sesuai dalam skala waktu yang dibutuhkan Menghasilkan dan memelihara sistem pelaporan termasuk analisis tren dan pemodelan keuangan Memberikan informasi yang tepat waktu, akurat dan relevan untuk mendukung sepenuhnya bisnis Menerapkan perkiraan arus kas untuk memastikan kepatuhan terhadap perjanjian di masa depan Memastikan pengendalian kredit dan pengendalian yang tepat Kebijakan perbendaharaan ada di tempat Bertanggung jawab atas pengelolaan hubungan pemangku kepentingan yang efektif termasuk Investor dan Bank Memastikan bahwa pengendalian keuangan yang sesuai dan kokoh dipelihara di seluruh perusahaan Memimpin dan mengendalikan proses audit tahunan Memastikan kepatuhan hukum dan peraturan Bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan perangkat keras Perangkat lunak cocok untuk tujuan operasi saat ini Profil dan Pengalaman Pilihan Harus siap untuk mendapatkan tangannya kotor saat ini ada tim akun kecil yang memerlukan penskalaan saat bisnis berkembang. Harus memiliki pengetahuan atau bekerja di lingkungan ritel, dan memiliki pemahaman yang kuat akan pentingnya margin produk dalam bisnis ritel. Pengalaman memahami bagaimana bekerja dalam bisnis yang berkembang pesat (penjualan tumbuh sebesar 50 pada tahun 2016 dan saat ini melacak 40 di tahun keuangan saat ini). Pengalaman PE lebih disukai tapi bukan prasyarat Posisi ini bisa sesuai dengan kelompok FC yang telah menjadi wakil seorang Group FD atau CFO Qualified Accountant (ACA, ACCA, CIMA atau setara) yang sangat baik, mampu menjalin hubungan kerja yang kuat secara keseluruhan. Perusahaan High energy and drive Kirimkan CV Anda untuk pekerjaan ini Direktur Keuangan Interim ref: RNDI Gaji: 350 per hari 75.000 Klien kami adalah bisnis jasa kreatif mandiri berbasis ekuitas internasional, klien mitra bisnis dari konsep awal hingga diluncurkan. Ketua ingin memperkuat tim manajemen dengan melibatkan Direktur Keuangan Interim. Tugas untuk memasukkan: Mempertahankan perkiraan penggalangan Mengawasi anggaran dan kepala operasional mitra bisnis Bekerja sama dengan Managing Director dalam pengelolaan WIP Oversees Manajemen Bulanan persiapan dan presentasi ke forum Menjaga arus kas dailymonthly. Penghubung dan pengesahan pembayaran secara reguler Memperbaiki proses, kontrol dan sistem Manajemen dan analisis KPI Anda akan menjadi akuntan yang berkualifikasi dengan pengalaman bekerja di dalam SME sebagai Direktur Keuangan. Anda akan sangat berhitung dan nyaman menyajikan informasi keuangan ke tim manajemen. Pengalaman MampA akan menguntungkan. Kirimkan CV Anda untuk pekerjaan ini COO CFO ref: RDTJ4 Gaji: sampai 180.000 paket ditambah insentif Lokasi: London dan Yorkshire Klien kami adalah yang terdepan dalam perubahan dalam ritel online. Didirikan pada tahun 2000, mereka telah berkembang menjadi lebih dari 160 karyawan yang bekerja secara internasional di tiga kantor dan bermitra dengan beberapa peritel dan merek Europersquos yang paling sukses yang menerapkan keahlian dan teknologi eksklusif mereka sehingga klien mereka dapat bertransaksi dengan sukses secara online. Awal tahun ini, klien kami mengumumkan sebuah kemitraan baru yang akan membuka peluang bisnis yang benar-benar global. Dengan demikian, CEO telah mengidentifikasi kebutuhan untuk mempekerjakan COOCFO tingkat peer untuk bekerja dengannya untuk mengubah bisnis menjadi operasi internasional yang efektif. Orang ini akan menjadi pemrakarsa perubahan. Seorang pemikir dan pelaku, pembentuk keputusan strategis yang tangguh dan pelaksana dari mereka. Mereka harus membawa serta kebijaksanaan pengalaman dan nasihat. Bimbingan, dukungan dan tantangan kepada CEO yang memastikan bahwa di antara keduanya mereka berevolusi dengan cara terbaik memastikan bahwa bisnis benar-benar berjalan secara global sementara tidak pernah kehilangan penglihatan atas proposisi sukses yang dimiliki bisnis saat ini dan bagaimana hal itu tercapai. COOCFO juga akan bertanggung jawab atas operasi pengelolaan keuangan dan risiko bisnis karena strategi pertumbuhan hanya dapat benar-benar efektif jika didukung oleh disiplin ilmu ini. Budaya bisnis ada pada hatinya dan sangat penting bagi keberhasilannya. Keberhasilan dalam peran ini akan dicapai dengan mampu mengoperasikan dan mengembangkan disiplin operasional, keuangan dan komersial secara mulus sebagai bagian dari kerangka kerja budaya bisnis. COOCFO baru harus secara alami nyaman dan mampu berkembang sebagai bagian dari tim yang penuh semangat dan ambisius dengan atlit dan lququocan dan akan melakukan sikap dan sama-sama bahagia dalam strategi seperti secara rinci. Spesifik dan Persyaratan Peran Bisnis beroperasi dari London, Yorkshire dan Prague dan dengan demikian peran tersebut akan melibatkan perjalanan dan kepemimpinan tim yang luas yang berbasis di berbagai lokasi geografis termasuk perjalanan mingguan antara London dan Yorkshire. Kepentingan nyata di pasar di mana bisnis beroperasi serta pengalaman yang dapat ditunjukkan dalam meluncurkan sebuah operasi internasional akan sangat penting. Pengalaman kandidat mungkin mencakup layanan profesional. Pengiriman teknologi retailecommedigital layanan teknologi (khususnya pengalaman monetising datatech).Candidates harus bisa menunjukkan kedekatan dengan budaya gaya agensi. Detil spesifik peran tersebut akan mencakup: Bekerja sebagai mitra CEO untuk membuat rencana operasi strategis yang akan membentuk masa depan sesuai dengan tujuan bisnis dan proposisi layanan yang terus berkembang. Masukan ke dalam desain dan pengembangan tujuan dan strategi bisnis secara keseluruhan Memimpin keseluruhan operasi bisnis mendorong efisiensi dan efektivitas Memulai dan mengelola perubahan dalam bisnis saat mereka beralih ke proposisi global Mendukung semua area operasional dalam pembinaan bisnis dan pengembangan laporan langsung Tanggung jawab untuk Tim keuangan 4 dan operasi manajemen risiko perusahaan Memastikan keseluruhan kepemimpinan fungsi akuntansi dan pengelolaan keuangan perusahaan didukung oleh pengendalian keuangan yang efektif Merumuskan rencana keuangan sesuai dengan strategi yang ditentukan oleh Dewan Mengembangkan KPI yang mendukung manajemen dan pengembangan perusahaan Memastikan akuntansi Kebijakan sesuai dengan standar akuntansi yang relevan dan kebijakan perusahaan selalu diupdate dan diikuti dengan pengesahan penyusunan akun manajemen perundang-undangan dan bulanan, termasuk perkiraan pendapatan dan kinerja Pengawasan 12 bulan rolling PampL dan arus kas Kemampuan untuk memberikan lsquoh yang cepat Analisis keuangan komersial dan pemodelan terperinci Mengelola dan mengembangkan hubungan kunci dengan pemegang saham perusahaan, bank dan auditor Memastikan kepatuhan terhadap kelompok dan tata kelola perusahaan secara umum Memimpin pada implementasi dan peningkatan sistem operasional dan keuangan Tanggung jawab keseluruhan terhadap semua masalah kontrak di Perusahaan termasuk kontrak klien dan pemasok Tanggung jawab fiskal untuk strategi dan kepatuhan pajak Mempertahankan kebijakan dan asuransi perusahaan yang sesuai termasuk Ketrampilan Kunci Profesional dan Pengalaman yang Menyenangkan. terang. Cepat berpikiran, karismatik dan dengan energi Kepemimpinan yang kuat melalui keterampilan orang-orang baik dan pendekatan lengan atas untuk mendukung tim sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Seorang akuntan yang memenuhi syarat (ACA, CIMA, ACCA atau yang setara) akan menikmati pengalaman bisnis yang berjalan. Dari 10 tahun atau lebih bekerja dalam peran tangan yang luas (tingkat sejawat hingga CEO di lingkungan kewirausahaan) Pengalaman yang dapat meledak dalam meluncurkan skala dan mengoperasikan bisnis internasional (kemungkinan dalam layanan ritel, e-niaga, teknologi digital, teknologi profesional) Pengetahuan yang kuat tentang, Dan pengalaman praktis dalam, negosiasi kontraktual Keterampilan interpersonal yang luar biasa, termasuk kemampuan untuk bekerja secara erat dan efektif di semua bidang bisnis Mampu berpikir dan bertindak secara komersial dan kadang-kadang berwirausaha (risiko terkelola) Kirimkan CV Anda untuk pekerjaan ini Direktur Keuangan ref: JMJFW Gaji : 65.000 plus manfaat - e-commerce Klien kami adalah pertumbuhan yang tinggi, memimpin e-co Bisnis mapan yang telah menikmati pertumbuhan penjualan dan laba yang mengesankan setiap tahunnya. Sampai saat ini, bisnis telah tumbuh sebagian besar tanpa pendanaan eksternal namun akan menyelesaikan penggalangan dana pertumbuhan modal untuk memungkinkannya memulai tahap ekspansi berikutnya. Bisnis ini mencari Direktur Keuangan yang cerdik secara komersial untuk memastikan pengelolaan dan pelaporan keuangan secara keseluruhan efektif, dan secara aktif memberikan kontribusi terhadap perencanaan keuangan dan pertumbuhan strategis perusahaan. Bekerja sama dengan dua pendiri, FD tidak hanya menjadi akuntan dan tangan yang luar biasa dengan keuangan perusahaan, namun juga akan diketahui secara komersial. Peran FD memiliki kontrol dan tanggung jawab keseluruhan terhadap semua aspek keuangan strategi perusahaan dan diharapkan dapat menganalisis angka dan menerapkan rekomendasi berdasarkan temuan ini, dengan hasil yang paling menguntungkan. Seringkali mengelola dan memimpin tim melalui masa-masa sulit termasuk akhir bulan, akhir tahun dan penganggaran tahunan, calon ideal diharapkan memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik dengan semua lapisan staf, dan akan diminta untuk bekerja dengan berbagai departemen untuk membantu mereka merencanakan dan mengelola Anggaran mereka sendiri. Dalam periode perubahan dan pertumbuhan saat ini, calon ideal akan dapat mengkoordinasikan keuangan perusahaan dan mengelola kebijakan perusahaan mengenai persyaratan modal, hutang, perpajakan dan pendanaan lebih lanjut yang sesuai. Pelamar akan memenuhi syarat sepenuhnya dengan pengalaman nyata yang dapat beroperasi dalam peran senior dalam bisnis kewiraswastaan yang serba cepat. Mereka secara teknis akan kuat, sadar secara komersial dan menjadi mitra bisnis yang efektif. Mereka harus mencari peran penting dalam penyampaian struktur keuangan yang kuat untuk mendukung pertumbuhan yang signifikan di tahun-tahun mendatang. Email CV Anda untuk pekerjaan ini Direktur Keuangan ref: ROSM Gaji: Hingga 125.000 ditambah terbalik Klien kami adalah pemimpin pasar dalam meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan melalui produk perangkat lunak generasi berikutnya. Perusahaan telah berkembang menjadi salah satu perusahaan yang paling dihormati dan sukses di bidangnya dan CEO sekarang mencari FD yang berpikiran komersial untuk memainkan peran penting dalam pertumbuhan dan perkembangan bisnis di masa depan. Pemandangan tim manajemen tetap pada pertumbuhan lanjutan di pasar domestik dan global dengan tujuan untuk keluar dalam 2-3 tahun. FD perlu berbagi visi dan komitmen tim manajemen sambil memastikan bahwa proses bisnis end-to-end se dinamis dan seefisien mungkin. Peran tersebut akan sesuai dengan kandidat yang memiliki selera untuk keterlibatan yang kuat baik dalam operasi komersial maupun keuangan bisnis, serta kepemimpinan, tim dan keterampilan hubungan yang baik. Sebagai anggota dewan penuh, peran tersebut akan mencakup semua masalah keuangan dan pengembangan perusahaan penghubung perpajakan dengan pelanggan, pemasok dan mitra serta investor, bankir dan penasihat serta pengelolaan fungsi keuangan secara keseluruhan. Kandidat yang ideal akan memiliki pengalaman bisnis jasa managed, softwaretechnology dan kontrak. Heshe akan memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik, berorientasi pada hasil, motivasi diri dan energik. Heshe harus siap untuk memutar lengan baju mereka dan terlibat dalam masalah keuangan bisnis yang mendetail, dan juga bekerja sama dengan CEO mengenai strategi. Calon yang berminat harus mengirimkan CV mereka beserta rincian gaji dan pemberitahuan ke alamat email di bawah yang mengutip Referensi ROSM Kirimkan CV Anda untuk pekerjaan ini Direktur FPA Interim ref: RNSI Klien kami adalah bisnis teknologi kewirausahaan yang cepat berkembang. Direktur Keuangan memerlukan perencanaan dan analisis yang berpikiran komersial Interim untuk membantu periode kegiatan MampA. Tugas untuk memasukkan: Peramalan pemodelan dan perencanaan keuangan. Pemodelan arus kas perencanaan 3-5 tahun Respon terhadap pertanyaan investor Mempersiapkan materi presentasi untuk Direktur Keuangan Anda akan menjadi akuntan yang berkualitas dengan pengalaman mempersiapkan perencanaan dan analisis yang kompleks dalam lingkungan transaksi. Email CV Anda untuk pekerjaan ini Direktur Keuangan ref: ROLS Klien kami adalah perluasan, perluasan bisnis multi-situs di seluruh Inggris. Sebagai bagian dari pengembangan berkelanjutan mereka sekarang berusaha menunjuk Direktur Keuangan baru ke Dewan untuk bekerja sebagai rekan sejawat bersama CEO. Ini adalah peran komersial yang benar-benar tanggung jawab di seluruh bisnis pada tingkat tertinggi dan FD akan memainkan peran penting dalam pertumbuhan perusahaan yang terus berlanjut. Gaji: 120.000 ditambah insentif ekuitas Direktur Keuangan bertanggung jawab untuk mengawasi semua aspek keuangan dari strategi perusahaan dan untuk arus informasi keuangan yang berarti kepada CEO, Dewan dan lembaga keuangan eksternal dan investor. Kandidat yang ideal akan menjadi akuntan yang berkualitas dengan pengalaman signifikan di tingkat senior. Mereka akan memiliki latar belakang sektor layanan b ke c dan akan mengelola operasi multi-situs. Pengalaman sebelumnya tentang ekuitas pribadi dan beroperasi di lingkungan yang leverage juga akan menguntungkan. Latar belakang pengembangan multi-situs roll-outretailcarehealthproperty akan menguntungkan. Calon harus mahir dalam mengelola dan memotivasi staf profesional dan telah memiliki keterpaparan pada organisasi yang sedang tumbuh, sebaiknya melalui penggabungan organik. Di atas semua itu mereka harus menjadi individu yang fokus secara komersial, ingin berperan dalam mendorong bisnis ke depan. Kirimkan CV Anda untuk pekerjaan ini CFO ref: ROGW Klien kami adalah pemimpin kategori dalam solusi cloud untuk komunikasi pelanggan dan bisnis. Bisnis global inovatif yang berkantor pusat di Inggris ini memiliki track record yang mengesankan dengan pertumbuhan yang cepat. Ini baru diinvestasikan oleh investor ekuitas swasta. Pemandangan tim manajemen tetap pada pertumbuhan internasional yang terus berlanjut dengan tujuan untuk keluar secara tiba-tiba. Gaji: Hingga 200k ditambah paket murah ditambah ekuitas Lokasi: Inggris Tenggara Untuk melengkapi keterampilan tim kepemimpinan yang ada, klien kami sekarang mencari CFO baru untuk memainkan peran kunci dan profil tinggi pada tahap pengembangan Perusahaan berikutnya. Melaporkan kepada CEO, CFO akan bertanggung jawab atas semua pelaporan dan pengendalian keuangan, penataan dan kepatuhan pajak. Ini adalah peran komersial yang benar-benar tanggung jawab di seluruh bisnis pada tingkat tertinggi. Kandidat yang ideal akan memiliki latar belakang dalam teknologi bisnis SaaS internasional yang umumnya mengalami bisnis yang didukung ekuitas swasta yang berurusan dengan investor dan analis dan akan memainkan peran utama dalam sebuah jalan keluar. Kandidat harus memiliki atribut berikut: seorang akuntan yang berkualifikasi dengan pengalaman signifikan pada keterampilan kontrol keuangan tingkat senior yang kuat yang diperoleh dalam budaya pertunjukan tinggi dan pendekatan proaktif terhadap insting bisnis nyata dan pola pikir kewirausahaan, dorongan, keluwesan dan energi tinggi. Tingkat nyaman dengan orang-orang yang baik rasa humor kredibilitas dengan investor. Jika Anda yakin bahwa Anda memiliki keterampilan dan kepribadian untuk membuat peran ini sukses, silakan kirim CV Anda beserta rincian gaji dan pemberitahuan ke alamat email di bawah ini dengan mengutip referensi ROGW Kirimkan CV Anda untuk pekerjaan ini Direktur Keuangan ref: RDCC Klien kami adalah seorang Bisnis grosir yang berkembang pesat dan karena pertumbuhan ini mereka sekarang ingin merekrut Direktur Keuangan yang memiliki pemahaman yang kuat tentang barang-barang konsumsi grosir eceran. Bekerja sebagai mitra strategis utama untuk Grup MD, FD akan bertanggung jawab penuh terhadap semua bidang Keuangan, Pemerintahan dan Perbendaharaan Devisa. Gaji: Sampai 120k bens Lokasi: Northern Home Counties Memimpin fungsi pelaporan keuangan dan manajemen, mendukung Dewan melalui penyusunan anggaran dan laporan keuangan dan memberikan saran dan panduan mengenai strategi keuangan Mengelola sistem dan prosedur untuk memastikan pengelolaan yang efisien dan efektif dari Keuangan perusahaan, termasuk kerangka pengendalian keuangan Memastikan rencana bisnis berjalan dengan baik dan memberikan wawasan komersial mengenai varians Ensue manajemen kas yang kuat Manajemen hubungan audit dan perbankan eksternal Memastikan bahwa kebijakan akuntansi sesuai dengan standar akuntansi yang relevan dan bahwa kebijakan perusahaan diikuti. Seorang akuntan yang berkualifikasi (ACA, CIMA, ACCA atau yang setara) Pengalaman bekerja dalam bisnis multi-mata uang Pengetahuan yang kuat dan terkini mengenai sistem TI dan manajemen proses Kemampuan untuk memberikan analisis komersial komersial helikopter cepat serta pemodelan terperinci ke bawah Pengalaman ritel Dan atau wholesa Di mana ada fokus kuat pada margin produk Ini adalah kesempatan fantastis untuk bergabung dengan tim manajemen yang sangat terdorong dalam bisnis yang memiliki posisi yang sangat baik untuk tumbuh dalam 2-4 tahun ke depan. Kirimkan CV Anda untuk pekerjaan ini Direktur Keuangan ref: JA31 Klien kami adalah perusahaan asuransi swasta yang baru saja melakukan investasi luar negeri dan dengan demikian diprediksi akan menumbuhkan pendapatan dan skala operasinya cukup signifikan. Bisnis ini ingin merekrut Direktur Keuangan untuk bekerja sama dengan CEO untuk mendorong strategi bisnis dan memberi nilai tambah bagi semua pengambilan keputusan komersial dan bisnis. Gaji: c120k plus terbalik Kandidat ideal idealnya memiliki pengalaman bekerja di sektor asuransi dan dapat mengelola persyaratan hutang dan perbankan serta semua hubungan eksternal lainnya. Selain itu, kandidat yang berhasil akan bertanggung jawab atas semua aspek keuangan bisnis dan diharapkan dapat mengawasi aktivitas M amp A serta keberhasilan utama bagi pemegang saham. Peran ini sesuai dengan profesional keuangan yang tumbuh subur di lingkungan kewiraswastaan yang serba cepat dan yang senang berada dalam posisi untuk memberi dampak positif pada keberhasilan sebuah organisasi dan siap untuk peran baru. Kirimkan CV Anda untuk pekerjaan ini CFO ref: RDHA2 Perusahaan Didirikan pada tahun 2000, klien kami telah berkembang menjadi lebih dari 160 karyawan yang bekerja secara internasional di tiga kantor. Mereka telah bermitra dengan beberapa peritel dan merek Europes yang paling sukses, membantu mereka menghasilkan lebih banyak uang dari ritel secara online. Rantai Nilai Ritel online unik mereka memberi klien mereka keahlian mendalam seputar disiplin yang dibutuhkan untuk bertransaksi secara online: strategi, e-niaga, pemasaran online, perdagangan dan logistik. Mereka bersemangat untuk membantu klien mereka mengubah peluang bisnis mereka dengan berpikir dan bertindak secara berbeda. Gaji: Hingga 140k bens CFO akan berpartisipasi sebagai anggota kunci dari tim manajemen eksekutif, bertanggung jawab dan bertanggung jawab atas administrasi, keuangan (tim 4) dan operasi manajemen risiko perusahaan, termasuk pengembangan strategi keuangan dan operasional. . Tanggung jawab khusus meliputi: Memastikan keseluruhan kepemimpinan fungsi akuntansi perusahaan dan fungsi manajemen keuangan yang didukung oleh pengendalian keuangan yang efektif Merumuskan rencana keuangan sesuai dengan strategi yang ditentukan oleh Dewan Mengembangkan KPI yang mendukung manajemen dan pengembangan perusahaan Memastikan kebijakan akuntansi sesuai dengan standar akuntansi yang relevan dan Bahwa kebijakan perusahaan selalu diupdate dan diikuti dengan pengesampingan penyusunan akun manajemen perundang-undangan dan bulanan, termasuk perkiraan biaya dan kinerja Pengawasan 12 bulan rolling PampL dan arus kas Kemampuan untuk menyampaikan pandangan cepat tentang analisis keuangan komersial serta pemodelan terperinci Mengelola dan mengembangkan hubungan kunci Dengan pemegang saham perusahaan, bank dan auditor Memastikan kepatuhan terhadap kelompok dan tata kelola perusahaan secara umum Memimpin pelaksanaan dan peningkatan sistem operasional dan keuangan Tanggung jawab keseluruhan terhadap semua masalah kontrak Di perusahaan termasuk kontrak klien dan pemasok Tanggung jawab fiskal untuk strategi dan kepatuhan pajak Mempertahankan kebijakan dan asuransi perusahaan yang sesuai termasuk Lokasi Ganti Rugi Profesional: Keahlian dan Pengalaman London Utara atau East Yorkshire Akuntan penuh kualifikasi (ACA, CIMA, ACCA atau yang setara) Pengalaman 10 Tahun atau lebih bekerja dalam peran tangan yang sama dalam bisnis kewirausahaan Pengetahuan yang kuat tentang, dan pengalaman praktis dalam, negosiasi kontrak Keterampilan interpersonal yang luar biasa, termasuk kemampuan untuk bekerja secara erat dan efektif di semua area bisnis Hal ini sangat penting bahwa Kandidat yang berhasil secara alami merasa nyaman dan mampu berkembang dalam lingkungan yang serba cepat dan heshe harus memiliki gravitas, pengalaman dan ketahanan untuk beroperasi sebagai bagian dari tim yang terdorong, menuntut, dan ldquocan dan willrdquo melakukan sikap. Yang penting sebagai CFO, Anda harus bekerja sama dengan nyaman di tingkat dewan dan juga dengan membiarkan tangan Anda kotor bekerja bersama tim muda yang tergerak dan ambisius. Email CV Anda untuk pekerjaan ini CFO ref: RDHA1 Perusahaan Didirikan pada tahun 2000, klien kami telah berkembang menjadi lebih dari 160 karyawan yang bekerja secara internasional di tiga kantor. Mereka telah bermitra dengan beberapa peritel dan merek Europes yang paling sukses, membantu mereka menghasilkan lebih banyak uang dari ritel secara online. Rantai Nilai Ritel online unik mereka memberi klien mereka keahlian mendalam seputar disiplin yang dibutuhkan untuk bertransaksi secara online: strategi, e-niaga, pemasaran online, perdagangan dan logistik. Mereka bersemangat untuk membantu klien mereka mengubah peluang bisnis mereka dengan berpikir dan bertindak secara berbeda. Gaji: Hingga 140k bens CFO akan berpartisipasi sebagai anggota kunci dari tim manajemen eksekutif, bertanggung jawab dan bertanggung jawab atas administrasi, keuangan (tim 4) dan operasi manajemen risiko perusahaan, termasuk pengembangan strategi keuangan dan operasional. . Tanggung jawab khusus meliputi: Memastikan keseluruhan kepemimpinan fungsi akuntansi perusahaan dan fungsi manajemen keuangan yang didukung oleh pengendalian keuangan yang efektif Merumuskan rencana keuangan sesuai dengan strategi yang ditentukan oleh Dewan Mengembangkan KPI yang mendukung manajemen dan pengembangan perusahaan Memastikan kebijakan akuntansi sesuai dengan standar akuntansi yang relevan dan Bahwa kebijakan perusahaan selalu diupdate dan diikuti dengan pengesampingan penyusunan akun manajemen perundang-undangan dan bulanan, termasuk perkiraan biaya dan kinerja Pengawasan 12 bulan rolling PampL dan arus kas Kemampuan untuk menyampaikan pandangan cepat tentang analisis keuangan komersial serta pemodelan terperinci Mengelola dan mengembangkan hubungan kunci Dengan pemegang saham perusahaan, bank dan auditor Memastikan kepatuhan terhadap kelompok dan tata kelola perusahaan secara umum Memimpin pelaksanaan dan peningkatan sistem operasional dan keuangan Tanggung jawab keseluruhan terhadap semua masalah kontrak Di perusahaan termasuk kontrak klien dan pemasok Tanggung jawab fiskal untuk strategi dan kepatuhan pajak Mempertahankan kebijakan dan asuransi perusahaan yang sesuai termasuk Lokasi Ganti Rugi Profesional: Keahlian dan Pengalaman London Utara atau East Yorkshire Akuntan penuh kualifikasi (ACA, CIMA, ACCA atau yang setara) Pengalaman 10 Tahun atau lebih bekerja dalam peran tangan yang sama dalam bisnis kewirausahaan Pengetahuan yang kuat tentang, dan pengalaman praktis dalam, negosiasi kontrak Keterampilan interpersonal yang luar biasa, termasuk kemampuan untuk bekerja secara erat dan efektif di semua area bisnis Hal ini sangat penting bahwa Kandidat yang berhasil secara alami merasa nyaman dan mampu berkembang dalam lingkungan yang serba cepat dan heshe harus memiliki gravitas, pengalaman dan ketahanan untuk beroperasi sebagai bagian dari tim yang terdorong, menuntut, dan ldquocan dan willrdquo melakukan sikap. Yang penting sebagai CFO, Anda harus bekerja sama dengan nyaman di tingkat dewan dan juga dengan membiarkan tangan Anda kotor bekerja bersama tim muda yang tergerak dan ambisius. Kirimkan CV Anda untuk pekerjaan ini Direktur Keuangan ref: JA66 Klien kami adalah bisnis medik Terdaftar di ujung tombak pasarnya. Bisnis ini akan memulai lintasan pertumbuhan yang ambisius dan mewajibkan Direktur Keuangan untuk bekerja sama dengan CEO untuk membantu meningkatkan penjualan internasional. Gaji: c140-150k plus terbalik Kunci untuk peran ini adalah kepemimpinan keuangan bisnis sekaligus menjadi juru tangan pertama yang berwibawa kepada CEO. Selain itu, Direktur Keuangan harus memiliki baik gravitas dan kredibilitas untuk mengelola hubungan investor dan perbankan. Kandidat yang ideal akan memiliki keahlian untuk memastikan infrastruktur organisasi mampu menyerap dan mendukung proyeksi pertumbuhan penjualan serta peluang M amp A. Selanjutnya, Direktur Keuangan juga diharapkan memiliki kepercayaan dan keterampilan untuk menegosiasikan dan menyetujui persyaratan kontrak dengan pelanggan, pemasok dan penasihat. Pengalaman ekspansi internasional, khususnya AS, akan sangat bermanfaat. Selain itu, calon ideal harus memiliki pengalaman bekerja dalam organisasi yang terdaftar. Peran ini mewakili kesempatan unik dan menarik untuk bekerja bersama CEO yang dinamis dan ambisius mengambil bisnis ceruk yang mapan dan sukses hingga tahap pertumbuhan selanjutnya. Kirimkan CV Anda untuk pekerjaan ini Direktur Keuangan ref: RDDNR Klien kami adalah perusahaan jasa bisnis yang mondar-mandir cepat dan sekarang mereka ingin merekrut Direktur Keuangan yang sangat terdorong. Gaji: 100k manfaat Klien kami adalah perusahaan jasa bisnis yang mondar-mandir dengan cepat, dan sekarang mereka ingin merekrut Direktur Keuangan yang sangat terdorong. Peran ini akan menjadi salah satu pendukung utama Grup CFO dengan keterpaparan reguler di tingkat Dewan dan kandidat yang berhasil akan bertanggung jawab untuk menyediakan pelaporan, analisis, wawasan komersial dan rekomendasi terperinci. Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Kepemimpinan, manajemen dan pengembangan tim keuangan c.20 Mengumpulkan, meninjau, menantang dan mengkonsolidasikan pelaporan termasuk neraca, arus kas, perkiraan, KPI dan analisis kecenderungan Menganalisis dan menantang varians utama terhadap anggaran, pergerakan tren dan tren yang tidak biasa. Operasi pengendalian internal yang benar Membantu negosiasi kontrak dengan pemasok utama dan perjanjian pelanggan utama Mendukung Direktur Akun dalam pelaksanaan dan penggandaan kontrak baru dari perspektif keuangan Mendukung tim penjualan dan akun di klien yang menghadapi masalah saat proses dan pembayaran keuangan Adalah faktor kunci untuk sukses Seorang akuntan yang memenuhi syarat (ACA, CIMA, ACCA atau yang setara) Pengalaman bekerja dalam peran langsung dalam bisnis kewirausahaan Pengetahuan yang kuat dan terkini tentang sistem TI dan manajemen proses Keterampilan interpersonal yang kuat termasuk Kemampuan untuk bekerja sama dan berkomunikasi dengan baik orang finansial maupun non-finansial Kemampuan untuk menyampaikan pandangan cepat mengenai analisis keuangan komersial dan juga pemodelan terperinci ke bawah Manajer perubahan yang tumbuh subur di lingkungan yang serba cepat Pengalaman sebelumnya bekerja dalam bisnis kontrak Kepribadian yang kuat dan kuat yang dapat memastikan bahwa pengendalian internal ada pada tempatnya dan dipatuhi. Energik, kredibel dan hands-on dengan sikap lsquocan-dorsquo Kemampuan interpersonal dan presentasi yang kuat dengan tingkat EQ yang tinggi Fleksibel dan dipersiapkan untuk tuntutan bisnis kewirausahaan. Ini adalah kesempatan yang fantastis bagi seseorang yang mencari peran profil tinggi dimana ada Sebuah kesempatan untuk memiliki dampak nyata pada arah strategis perusahaan. Kirimkan CV Anda untuk pekerjaan ini CFO ref: ROCL Klien kami adalah bisnis telekomunikasi yang didukung ekuitas swasta dengan track record pertumbuhan yang mengesankan. Pemandangan tim manajemen tetap pada pertumbuhan lanjutan di Inggris. Gaji: Hingga 170k ekuitas Klien kami sekarang mencari CFO baru untuk memainkan peran kunci dan profil tinggi pada tahap pengembangan Perusahaan berikutnya. Melaporkan kepada CEO, CFO akan bertanggung jawab atas semua pelaporan dan pengendalian keuangan serta memberikan wawasan dan analisis komersial untuk mendukung pertumbuhan strategis bisnis. Calon harus menjadi akuntan yang berkualitas dengan pengalaman yang signifikan di tingkat senior. Heshe akan memiliki kemampuan pengendalian keuangan yang kuat yang diperoleh dalam budaya kinerja tinggi dan pendekatan tangan yang proaktif untuk memimpin, mempengaruhi dan berkomunikasi dengan khalayak luas, semangat kewirausahaan, dorongan, fleksibilitas dan tingkat energi yang tinggi dan kredibilitas dengan investor. Kandidat yang ideal akan memiliki latar belakang di bidang telekomunikasi, air, gas dan sektor limbah dan limbah dengan pengalaman infrastruktur dan kontrak tertentu. Mereka akan memiliki pengalaman berurusan dengan investor dalam bisnis yang didukung ekuitas swasta, serta berurusan dengan investor dan analis. Berurusan dengan andor memainkan peran utama dalam IPO juga akan sangat menguntungkan. Ini adalah peran komersial yang benar-benar tanggung jawab di seluruh bisnis pada tingkat tertinggi dan akan memainkan peran penting dalam pertumbuhan dan rencana transaksi yang berkelanjutan. Jika Anda yakin bahwa Anda memiliki keterampilan dan kepribadian untuk membuat peran ini sukses, silakan kirim CV Anda beserta rincian gaji dan pemberitahuan ke kandidat yang tepat dengan mengutip referensi ROCL Kirimkan CV Anda untuk pekerjaan ini Direktur Keuangan ref: RORM Klien kami adalah sebuah perusahaan swasta yang didukung Bisnis di sektor jasa pendidikan. Gaji: Hingga 130.000 ditambah ekuitas Selama 3-5 tahun ke depan, para pemegang saham ingin membangun kelompok layanan pendidikan berskala signifikan (1635 juta EBITDA) yang sebagian besar melalui akuisisi. Kesetaraan pribadi dan pengalaman MampA sangat relevan untuk peran ini dan calon ideal harus memiliki rekam jejak yang terbukti mempengaruhi orang dan mengelola perubahan. Heshe will also have excellent communication skills, be results orientated, self-motivated and energetic. As a full Board member, the role will also include: Leadership and development of the existing finance function. Management of existing banking relationships and refinancing the existing facility as acquisitions take place Integration of finance functions at bolt-ons into the main business Supporting the CEO in commercial decision making and strategic development Interested candidates should send their CV together with salary and notice period details to candidatesequityfd quoting the reference RORM. Email your CV for this job CFO ref: JA10 Our client is a well-established, multi-site hospitality business with over 100 sites and a recognised brand. The business is looking to recruit a new CFO to partner the new CEO and lead the organisation through some transformational change and subsequent growth ultimately leading to successful exit. Salary: c150k plus upside The ideal candidate should have previous experience of working in a multi-site business ideally in a consumer facing environment. In addition, experience of working with private equity shareholders would be an advantage. The CFO will be expected to take the lead in all banking and stakeholder relationships as well as leading the relationship with auditors, tax advisers and lawyers. As this role sits on the Board it is important that the successful candidate has worked previously as a Finance Director at Board level. This is a highly visible position that requires proven commercial acumen and would suit a finance professional who has experience of turnaround, change, business transformation and corporate transactions. Interested candidates should send their cv with full salary and notice details to the email address below. Email your CV for this job CFO ref: RDNI Our client is a well-known PE backed and rapidly expanding global ecommerce company focused on emerging markets (primarily Africa). They have invested heavily in their systems and infrastructure, and now have the foundations in place to become a truly global brand. The next critical piece of is to bring in the key people who will work with them to make this happen. Salary: Up to 150k possible equity As the Chief Finance Officer (CFO), you will be a part of the Executive Team leading the finance function and reporting directly to the CEO. This position requires a leader someone who can take lead of the finance team, provide direction and achieve results. You will work closely with the CEO to drive the business forward and help create a strategy for significant growth. You will drive and improve systems, processes and create an efficient department in the company. Business partnering with the Executive Team, CEO and Board on all commercial and operational issues. Supervise and develop a small financial team in charge of managing and consolidating financial records and performance from across multiple entities across several countries. Production of accurate Management Accounts and Board packs with full variance analysis and forecasting. Create and implement KPI dashboard, understanding how to improve and manage it. Income analysis cut off and margin improvement. Produce accurate budgets for each of the companies in the group. Cash flow forecasting to ensure the business has the means and resources to deliver the Boardrsquos business plan. Developing and maintaining relationships with banking and other financial entities. Manage various company risks including foreign exchange exposure and reporting variances Ensure effective systems and internal controls in place to support all financial activities. Look at ad hoc projects including potential acquisitionfunding plans. Advise the Board on strategicgrowth plans within the business and be proactive in driving plans forward to achieve goals. Support the company in negotiations. Must be qualified Accountant (ACA, CIMA, ACCA or equivalent). Online retail experience is preferred, but not required Must have a real can-do hands-on attitude. Experience managing the finance function in a start-up environment Experience coming into a company establishing procedures and processes from scratch Must demonstrate excellent leadership and communication skills. The ability to influence non-financial managers in cost and cash management. The ability to constructively challenge assumptions and growth plans. Email your CV for this job Finance Operations Director ref: RDSP Our client is a cutting edge digital media business with a unique market offering and a network of blue-chip clients and partners. Salary: Up to 85,000 plus benefits It enjoys the unusual position of being part of a leading global group whilst at the same time operating autonomously on a day to day and strategic level. The business has experienced rapid growth and plans to continue to grow aggressively. The CEO is thus seeking a new Finance and Operations Director to partner him on this fast paced journey as his right hand man or woman. This role Is broad and varied in nature combining both the hands on ownership and improvement of systems controls and processes whilst at the same time, the ability to influence the organisation as a whole using sound commercial judgment to challenge key financial decisions. The role will suit a fully qualified accountant who is skilled in the financial modelling of forecasts, budget, cash flows and projections. They will ideally have experienced a managed service environment and will have an understanding of the global nature of a digital techmedia business. Strong interpersonal skills are a pre-requisite including the ability to influence across levels and disciplines and a proven ability to deliver lsquotop downrsquo fast commercial analysis as well as lsquobottom uprsquo detailed modelling. Interested candidates should apply with their CV to reference RDSP Email your CV for this job CFO ref: RDNAD Our client is an innovative, leading design company with amazing growth plans for the future. Due to continued success they are now looking for a best in class CFO who will have a broad CFOCOO remit. Partnering a highly driven CEO, you will be responsible for ensuring execution of the business plan whilst working with the rest of the management team to select which business opportunities to pursue. Duties and responsibilities Responsible for the Operations function, including Financial, Legal, Insurance, IT and Property Supporting, implementing and managing the setting up of additional offices worldwide Provide legal and commercial advice on contracts with clients and vendors so the Company can assess levels of legal and commercial risk Respond quickly to business commercial opportunities and create appropriate documentation to facilitate such opportunities, e. g. Contracts, Retainer Arrangements, Royalty Arrangements, Heads of Terms, Letters of Intent, Cash Equity deals, etc. Oversee all financial strategy, management and compliance Maintain a global vision of all workflows within product development and hold ultimate responsibility for successful project management ACA qualified or equivalent Minimum of 5-7 yearsrsquo experience in a senior leadership role Excellent people skills, with an ability to develop and partner with a dynamic leadership team Experience of working in a fast growing entrepreneurial business with expertise in defining and scaling operational processes Previous MampA experience Ideally you will have worked within a Media Strategic Agency Digital business previously and you will now be looking for a role where you will be instrumental in driving change in a broad, highly commercial CFO role. Email your CV for this job CFO ref: ROKJ Our client is a fast growing innovative technology business with an impressive track record of growth that has been achieved on the back of the core values of entrepreneurship, innovation and investment. Salary: 120k benefits equity Our client is a fast growing innovative technology business with an impressive track record of growth that has been achieved on the back of the core values of entrepreneurship, innovation and investment. The sights of the management team are fixed on continued growth in the UK. To complement the skills of the existing leadership team our client now seeks a new CFO to play a key, high profile role in the next stages of the Companyrsquos development. Reporting to the CEO, the CFO will be responsible for all financial reporting and control as well as providing commercial insight and analysis to support the strategic growth of the business. Candidates should possess the following attributes: a qualified accountant with significant experience at a senior level strong financial control skills gained in a high performance culture and a proactive hands-on approach ability to lead, influence and communicate with a wide audience entrepreneurial spirit, drive, flexibility and high energy levels credibility with investors. The ideal candidate will have a background in telecoms, technology and contracting and will have experience of dealing with investors in a private equity backed business. Experience of a quoted plc, dealing with investors and analysts andor playing a leading role in an IPO would be highly advantageous too. This is a truly commercial role with responsibility across the business at the highest level and will play a key part in the continued growth and planned transaction. If you believe that you have the skills and personality to make this role a success please send your CV together with salary and notice period details to candidatesequityfd quoting reference ROKJ. Email your CV for this job Finance Director ref: RDHM Our Client is a multi faceted, expanding property related business now looking to recruit a commercial Finance Director for one of its divisions Salary: 110,000 plus benefits plus profit share Location: East Sussex The role is as true peer to the Divisional Managing Director, providing financial support, information and advice to the MD and Board as well as taking the lead role in preparing and reviewing all new business proposals. As such, candidates must demonstrate a history of developing commercial business plans which manage risk and ensure on target project delivery and significant exposure to long term contract accounting. This experience should have been gained at senior level. Candidates will also need a good IT and systems background, excellent people management and development skills and a business first and entrepreneurial approach to the role of Finance Director Email your CV for this job Interim CFO ref: RNHB Our client is a fast growing business at an exciting point in its development. This cutting edge solutions provider seeks a CFO to play a crucial role in the growth of the business. With an increasing order book and turnover, the business seeks a CFO who can operate as the right hand to the CEO across all financial and commercial issues. The CFO will have experience of: Working within a turnaround environment therefore experienced in embedding robust processes controls and systems Improving IT and ensuring it is fit for purpose Creating a robust and dynamic finance team Creating strong reporting and management information Experience of project accounting and revenue recognition within a recurring revenue model Candidates will have senior level experience in a high growth business and can demonstrate strong working capital management experience. He or she will ideally come from a contracting, construction or utilities background and be a qualified accountant with a strong technical grounding, probably gained within a practice environment. Email your CV for this job FD ref: ROGM Our client is an ambitious fast growing business at an exciting point in its development. This cutting edge multi-utility solutions provider seeks an FD to play a crucial role in the future growth of the business. With an increasing order book and subsequent turnover, the business seeks an FD who can operate as the right hand man or woman to the CEO across all financial and commercial issues. The FD will need to ensure that the end-to-end business processes are as dynamic and efficient as possible. Candidates will have turnaround experience as well as a background in multi-site contract project accounting businesses and must be able to demonstrate strong working capital management experience. He or she will ideally come from a contracting, construction or utilities background and will have experience improving management information and reporting, and the financial control environment. The role will suit candidates who have an appetite for strong involvement in both the financial and commercial operations of the business, as well as excellent team and relationship skills. The ideal candidate must be a good communicator, a team player and be someone who is not afraid to challenge the status quo. The FD must be prepared to roll their sleeves up and get involved in the detailed financial issues of the company, as well as working with the CEO on strategy development and execution, and they should be motivated by a growth driven environment. Email your CV for this job Interim Finance and Operations Director ref: RNRS Our client are an entrepreneurial distribution business with a market leading range of products. To support the growth of the business the CEO would like to introduce a Finance and Operations Director to the senior management team. Location: South London The FampOD will have responsibility for commercial operations and their outputs. Duties will include: Owning the budget and planning process Embedding KPIrsquos into the business to monitor effectiveness of business activity Managing the finance operations of the business, Cash management and covenant testing Reporting regularly to external investors and maintaining a no surprises relationship. Candidates will be qualified accountants with experience of leading Operational teams. You will be a hands on and detail focussed commercial accountant with experience of working within a growing, successful investor backed business. Email your CV for this job Finance Director ref: RDSUR Our client is a specialist manufacturing business with exciting growth plans for the future. They are now looking to recruit a Finance Director to work with owner founders as they look to capitalise on the market leading position they currently hold. Supporting the Managing Director and Board in the strategic management of the company, the key responsibilities for this role will include, but will not be restricted to, the following: Accurate reporting (statutory, management, investor), including annual audit Leadership, management and development of a small finance team Development, monitoring, reporting and interpretation of business KPIs Ensure systems and controls are robust enough to support a growing business Analysis of margins by product and customer profitability Key skills and experience: ACA qualified or equivalent Strong commercial focus Previous experience working with owner founders or external stakeholders Comfortable partnering the CEO with external client meetings This is a highly visible role which will be both hands-on and strategic, and the successful candidate is likely to have previous experience working in a fast paced business. This is a fantastic opportunity to join a growing business which is well placed to capitalise on its successful track record to date. Email your CV for this job Interim Finance Director ref: RNCBS Our client are a large entrepreneurial multisite retailer with a history of growth and success across the whole of the UK. The business is evolving and as part of the next phase of its exciting story the CFO is looking to complement the finance team with a senior Interim hire. Location: West Yorkshire Duties will include: Supporting the CFO with reporting and preparation of management information for decision making Ensuring robust processes and controls within the existing finance team Project management of a finance systems upgrade You will be a qualified accountant with experience of working within an entrepreneurial or investor backed business and be comfortable working at pace in a changing work environment. Email your CV for this job COO ref: RDNOR Our client is a high growth professional services business with an impressive track record. They are now looking to further strengthen the Board with the recruitment of a commercially focused, strategic and process minded COO. Salary: Up to 120k benefits Our client is a high growth professional services business with an impressive track record. They are now looking to further strengthen the Board with the recruitment of a commercially focused, strategic and process minded COO. Participating as a key member of the executive management team, this newly created role is responsible for overseeing all of company operations, including Finance, HR, Legal, IT, Contracts and Property. Ensure overall leadership of company accounting and financial management function underpinned by effective financial controls Formulate financial plans in accordance with the strategy determined by the Board Develop KPIs that support the companyrsquos management and development Ensure accounting policies comply with relevant accounting standards and that company policies are up to date and followed Oversee preparation of statutory and monthly management accounts, including cash and performance forecasts Oversee 12 month rolling PampL and cash flow Ability to deliver fast lsquohelicopter viewrsquo commercial financial analysis as well as bottom up detailed modelling Manage and develop key relationships with the companyrsquos bank, investors and auditors Ensure compliance with investor arrangements Lead on the implementation of new operational and financial systems Ensure effective maintenance of internal IT systems Overall responsibility for all HR matters, including employee contracts Maintain appropriate company policies and insurances including Professional Indemnity Responsible for ongoing maintenance and review of all existing contracts (including external suppliers and property leases) Ensure effective company-wide communication Company secretarial duties Key skills and experience A fully qualified accountant (ACA, CIMA, ACCA or equivalent) Experience of working in a hands-on role in an entrepreneurial business A strong and up to date knowledge of IT systems and process management Exceptional interpersonal skills, including the ability to work closely and effectively across all areas of the business This is a fantastic opportunity to join a business which is set to grow significantly over the next 3-5 years. Email your CV for this job Finance Director ref: RDBED Our client is a fast growth provider of services within a highly specialist sector. They are now looking to strengthen the existing management team with the appointment of a truly commercial Finance Director. Supporting the CEO and working with well-established PE backers, the FD will play a critical role in executing the strategy as the business continues to grow both organically and via acquisition. Salary: Up to 130k equity Location: Northern Home Counties Finance and management reporting function supporting the Board through the preparation of budgets and financial reports and providing advice and guidance on financial strategy Manage systems and procedures to ensure the efficient and effective management of the companyrsquos finances Assisting with all financial contracts with both suppliers and clients to ensure the business is both protected and well positioned Coordination and preparation of Statutory Reporting Monthly management accounts, including cash and performance forecasts Management of key stakeholder relations Key Skills amp Experience: ACA qualified or equivalent Commercial business focussed Experienced or understanding of the nature and demands of a private equity backed business Has an appetite to play a much wider role in the business than purely finance Credible, motivated, energetic, hands-on and pragmatic This is a fantastic opportunity to join a highly driven management team in a business that is well-positioned to capitalise on the success it has enjoyed to date. Email your CV for this job COO ref: RODG Our client now seeks a new COO to play a key role in the next stage of the organisations development. Reporting to the CEO, the COO will be responsible for finance and administration the international offices technology procurement programme management and will serve as the leader of the internal organisation. Salary: 120k plus benefits Location: East Midlands Our client is a long established and world leading UK-based international organisation with the not for profit sector. The organisation has grown 60 in the last six years and is growing at a rate of 8-10 per annum. Our client now seeks a new COO to play a key role in the next stage of the organisationrsquos development. Reporting to the CEO, the COO will be responsible for finance and administration the international offices technology procurement programme management and will serve as the leader of the internal organisation. This is a truly commercial role with responsibility across the organisation at the highest level and will play a key part in its continued growth. The ideal candidate will have a strong financial core with an operational skill set and a proven track record of transforming organisations with international reach that are in growth phase. Candidates should possess the following attributes: experience in scaling a multi-site organisation an ability to both lead and build the capabilities of an organisation strategic vision real business instincts and a broad mindset drive, flexibility and high energy levels and be at ease dealing with people across all levels. Experience of managing a ldquovalues drivenrdquo organisation is valued but not essential. If you believe that you have the skills and personality to make this role a success please send your CV together with salary and notice period details to the email address below quoting reference RODG. Email your CV for this job Finance Director ref: JA 60 Our client is a private equity backed travel business that is looking to hire a new Finance Director. The business has a revenue of around 80m and is a market leader in its sector with ambitious growth plans. Reporting directly to the MD, the successful candidate will be an integral part of the Executive team responsible for driving business performance. Salary: 100 - 120k equity Location: East Sussex Our client is a private equity backed travel business that is looking to hire a new Finance Director. The business has a revenue of around 16380m and is a market leader in its sector with ambitious growth plans. Reporting directly to the MD, the successful candidate will be an integral part of the Executive team responsible for driving business performance. This will be a highly visible role within the business so in addition to ensuring that the finance function performs effectively this role also has key operational duties and will be expected to work closely with the MD and Chairman developing and delivering the strategic plan. The ideal candidate should have previous experience of being a stand-alone Finance Director and should ideally have worked in a consumer facing business. In addition, private equity or stakeholder experience would be useful. This is a fast paced organisation in a dynamic market and the ideal candidate should be sufficiently commercial and credible to be able to deputise for the MD when necessary. Interested candidates should send a full CV along with notice and salary details to the email address displayed. Email your CV for this job FD ref: ROMS Our client is a well-known branded consumer goods group with an international presence. It has several overseas subsidiaries and the business now seeks an FD to set up the European operation of the group which will be head quartered in the UK. Location: South East London This will be a carve out from the group and as such, the FD will require a balance of skills. On the one hand they will need to be able to roll their sleeves up and build a platform for a fast growing business to develop on the other, they must be capable of carving out the B2C business from the larger corporate and thus also at home in that environment. The FD will be involved in business development, commercial deals and MampA. International experience is important as is an understanding of warehousing, digital, supply chain, importation, ordering, processing etc. Language skills would be an advantage but not essential. This is an opportunity for someone talented and ambitious who wants to make an impact. The ideal candidate will have a background in consumer, branded goods, FMCG and will have worked in a growth company. They must be prepared to roll their sleeves up and get involved in the detailed financial issues of the company, as well as working with the CEO on strategy. A blue chip background coupled with hands on skills gained in a smaller entrepreneurial environment would be beneficial. Knowledge of Oracle and Hyperion would also be an advantage. They must be excited by the challenge of the opportunity and happy to travel fairly extensively. If you believe that you have the skills and personality to make this role a success please send your CV together with salary and notice period details to the email address below quoting reference ROMS. Email your CV for this job Finance Director ref: RDFMJ Our client is a global, digital media company that was established in 2011. Five years on and the company has evolved from a boot-strapped start-up to a company with 30m VC investment, 3m monthly users and 1m social media following. Having been awarded a number of accolades, the business has also been named one of 25 UK tech companies to watch. To continue to scale and reach its ambitious growth agenda, the business is now looking to recruit a Finance Director to join the leadership team. Salary: Up to 120k Benefits The business aims to grow by strategic acquisitions across specific verticals relevant to its space with a view to IPO within the 5-6 years. Role (based in Central London) Finance Director with full responsibility for leading and developing the finance function The role will be hands-on, setting up the necessary systems, controls and processes to support a rapidly growing global, digital company Support the CEO to deliver the Companyrsquos financial strategy Influence the broader organisation, using sound commercial judgement to challenge key financial decisions Lead the finance and management reporting function, supporting the Board through the preparation of budgets and financial reports and providing advice and guidance on financial strategy Manage systems and procedures to ensure the efficient and effective management of the companyrsquos finances, including establishing the financial control framework Ensure robust cash management Management of external audit and banking relationships Ensure that accounting policies comply with relevant accounting standards Managing a small finance team Key Qualities and Expe rience A fully qualified accountant (ACA, CIMA or equivalent), ideally with initial degree from a top tier UK or US university Experience of working in a global, high growth, fast paced digital company International PE and MampA experience, including integration UK and US experience is essential Chinese experience would be a strong asset A strong and up to date working knowledge of IT systems and process management Previous experience working within e-commerce (affiliate salesbooking) and digital media (content monetisation). Understanding of ad tech conversion funnels to optimize revenues Understanding of the implications of the global nature of e-commerce and digital media Strong interpersonal skills, including the ability to closely liaise and communicate with demanding financial and non-financial people (tech, media, sales) Ability to deliver fast lsquohelicopter viewrsquo commercial financial analysis as well as bottom up detailed modelling Email your CV for this job CFO ref: RDGMV Our client is a leader in their field and have been recognised as one of the 100 fastest growing companies in the UK by the Sunday Times Tech Track. They are now looking to recruit a Board Director CFO to work with a highly driven management team. Location: Central London The CFO role has three core focuses: Past: Metronomic delivery of management and stat accounts Company Secretarial Present: Build the robust systems and controls needed as the businesses grows from 1635m to 16350m turnover Own, collate, interpret and present both financial and non-financial leading KPI indicators Manage cash to maximise growth. Guide the commercial team in the building of innovative commercial models Future: Build the financial strategy to allow the business to win firstly UK market, and then the European Market Development and active maintenance of budgets and forecasts Lead fund raising activities as required A minimum of 5 years main board experience as CFO of a rapid growth business Specific experience of managing growth between 1635m and 16350m Proven delivery in an entrepreneur driven business. Unparalleled cash management skills with a focus on maximising growth First-hand experience of fund raising across a range of sources such as VC, PE, Family Office, Debt, etc. Fully qualified Accountant with sound technical skills Never-ending energy, with a hands-on approach to business This is an excellent opportunity to be part of a business that is well placed to grow exponentially over the next 3-5 years. Email your CV for this job Interim CFO ref: RNRTB Our client is an entrepreneurial growth business who is going through a refinancing exercise. The Chief Executive needs the support of an experienced CFO to help lead this process. Salary: 1000 per day Duties will include: Negotiating with banks and negotiating debt finance Working with the operational team to ensure the business strategy and plan are credible Ensuring the integrated PampL, Balance sheet and cash flow work together effectively Leading a small finance team and ensuring it is as effective and robust as possible You will be an experienced operational CFO with experience of negotiating financing on behalf of entrepreneurial or investor backed businesses. You will be a qualified accountant with a recognised UK qualification. Email your CV for this job Finance Director ref: JA73 Our client is a privately owned niche manufacturing business with a turnover of c40m annually. The business is the global leader in its product type and has operations internationally. Location: Milton Keynes The organisation is seeking a Finance Director who will work very closely with the CEO helping lead the business through significant growth and ultimately a successful exit from the current shareholders. The ideal candidate should have previous experience of working as a stand-alone Finance Director and should also have worked in a manufacturing business at some stage of hisher career. In addition, candidates should have experience of FOREX and should have managed banking relationships in previous organisations. This is a commercial role and the ideal candidate will be expected to add strategic value at Board Level as well as oversee all financial and accounting activities of the organisation. Finally, the ideal candidate will have experience of IT systems implementation, be confident and possess a ldquocan dordquo positive attitude. Email your CV for this job Finance Director ref: JA18 Our client is an AIM listed speciality pharmaceutical company with a rich heritage and a well developed product range. Currently the organisation has a revenue of around 40m and is positioned to significantly expand via both acquisition and organic growth over the coming few years. The product is sold worldwide and the organisation operates internationally. Salary: c150,000 plus bens Location: West Sussex Our client is seeking to recruit a Finance Director who will sit on the Board and who will be a peer level business partner to the CEO. Essential to this role is the ability of the successful candidate to add value at a strategic level as well as oversee all finance activities throughout the organisation. In addition FX experience is essential as is experience of investor relations. The ideal candidate will have previously held a standalone Finance Director role and will be confident working in a fast paced, international and technically demanding environment. This organisation is at a crucial point in its growth journey and becoming the Finance Director will be an exciting and rewarding challenge for a candidate who is seeking a fully accountable, visible role with real commercial impact. Email your CV for this job CFO ref: RDINS Our client is a high growth, PE backed insurance business with an exciting growth plan. The management team are highly skilled, keenly commercial and very entrepreneurial. They now seek a like-minded CFO to join them and to play a key role in future growth plans. Salary: 120k-150k possible equity The role will be challenging, requiring a qualified accountant equally at home in the detail whilst also managing key stakeholder relations. The successful candidate will be responsible for ensuring sound financial management control and reporting systems that will support a rapidly growing business. This is a broad role and will also incorporate management of other, non-finance aspects of the business. Key responsibilities will include: Overall responsibility for fiscal reporting and management control functions Strong cash management Preparation and presentation of timely and accurate monthly and annual financial reports Compile all statutory accounts and manage taxation and audit requirements Work closely with the CEO to measure performance and determine the strategic direction of the business Ideally you will have previous experience of working in a fast paced, PE backed entrepreneurial business and will now be looking for a CFO role partnering a highly driven management team. Previous experience of the Insurance sector is essential. Email your CV for this job CFO ref: RDBS This is a broad role and will include planning and forecasting, IT, acquisitions, legal, property management and funding as well as external relationships including investors, offshore partners and financial institutions. Salary: Up to 130k Equity Our client, a high growth, PE backed provider of business services is now seeking an ambitious CFO who will work closely with, and report to the CEO. Managing a team of 15, the CFO will play a significant role in ensuring that the strategic objectives are achieved and will have full responsibility for the financial operations of the company, including the development of the financial strategy. This is a broad role and will include planning and forecasting, IT, acquisitions, legal and funding as well as external relationships including investors and financial institutions. Provide proactive support to the Board in the evolution and delivery of the business strategy Monitor and report on the implementation of strategic business plans Tight management of cash forecasting Oversee the companyrsquos transaction processing systems and ensure robust underlying records Improve operational best practices including the development and management of IT systems Analysis of potential acquisitions amp business opportunities and supervise acquisition DD Lead the integration of new acquisitions into the business Key Skills amp Experience Have the gravitas, experience and credibility to work closely alongside the CEO with external and internal stakeholders ACA (or equivalent) with demonstrable experience as a standalone FD in a growth business Ability to be both hands-on whilst also operating as one of the key strategic thinkers Motivated by growing shareholder value with a demonstrable understanding of how to deliver growth Experience of working with equity p artners banks Previous experience of working in a high volume, transaction business highly desirable This is a fantastic opportunity to join a business as it embarks in the next stage of its growth, with excellent potential to share in the future upside success. Email your CV for this job Finance Director ref: RDDOG Our client is a long established PE backed business services organisation with exciting growth plans for the future. They are now looking to recruit a new Finance Director to work with a highly ambitious MD, with functional accountability to the Group CFO. Salary: 100k to 120k Equity Our client is a long established PE backed business services organisation with exciting growth plans for the future. They are now looking to recruit a new Finance Director to work with a highly ambitious MD, with functional accountability to the Group CFO. The Finance Director is a key member of the leadership team, helping to develop and implement strategy, and to resource and deliver the organisationrsquos objectives. Duties and responsibilities will include: Provide executive management with advice on the financial implications of business activities Ensure credibility of finance by providing timely and accurate analysis of budgets, financial trends and forecasts Management of finance team of 13 Ensure accounting policies comply with relevant accounting standards and that company policies are followed Assisting with all financial contracts with both suppliers and clients to ensure the business is both protected and well positioned Provide ongoing insightful analysis about business performance and underlying trends to management team to keep driving revenue and profit growth A fully qualified accountant Experience of working in a hands-on entrepreneurial environment Strong interpersonal skills including the ability to work closely and communicate with both financial and non-financial people Ability to deliver fast lsquohelicopter viewrsquo commercial financial analysis as well as lsquobottom uprsquo detailed modelling A change manager who thrives in a fast paced environment Experience of working in a PE backed business advantageous but not essential This is a fantastic opportunity to join a highly driven management team as they embark on the next stage of this businessrsquo development. Email your CV for this job Finance Director ref: JA10 Our client is a rapidly growing multi-site leisure business which has been recently invested in by private equity. The business is well positioned for significant expansion and as a result of the external investment now requires a Finance Director. Location: East Sussex Our client is a rapidly growing multi-site leisure business which has been recently invested in by private equity. The business is well positioned for significant expansion and as a result of the external investment now requires a Finance Director. This role will oversee all financial aspects of the business as well as partner the CEO in strategic decision making to enable successful expansion. The ideal candidate will have some previous multi-site experience during their career and will be able and willing to roll up their sleeves and really get stuck in to the detail as well as add value at Board level. The successful candidate should be experienced in managing banking relationships and managing debt and covenants in a leveraged situation. Email your CV for this job CFO ref: RDCHLY This is a fantastic opportunity to join a highly profitable, fast growing business with excellent prospects. Salary: Up to 130k Equity Our client is a fast growing, PE backed provider of specialist residential care for adults across the South East. Having an excellent reputation in the market the business is well positioned for further growth through development of new sites and a strong demand from commissioners. The business is now looking to recruit a commercial and growth focused Finance Director to complete the highly driven management team. Main Board Director with responsibility for the finance function at Board level Executing roll out plan for the business including new site review, appraisal, financing, project management and post-evaluation Leading the identification and delivery of suitable bolt-on corporate acquisitions Management of key stakeholdersadvisors Implementation and development of IT systems and processes Liaison with operational management on financial analysis of timely, relevant and accurate information and development of business enhancement as a result Qualified (ACCA, ACA, CIMA) Experience of private equity backed businesses A self-starter with project management experience Broad operational experience An ability to be both hands-on and strategic Excellent interpersonal skills Acquisition transaction experience Previous experience of working in a high growth small business This is a fantastic opportunity to join a highly profitable, fast growing business with excellent prospects. Email your CV for this job Finance Director ref: RDCHW Our client is a PE backed media business with fantastic growth plans for the future. They are now looking to recruit a Finance Director to work with a highly driven management team based in London. Our client is a PE backed media business with fantastic growth plans for the future. They are now looking to recruit a Finance Director to work with a highly driven management team based in London. Responsible for monthly management accounting, forecasting, budgeting and all statutory reporting requirements, this role also has responsibility for HR and IT. Having exceptional cash management skills you will most likely have had experience of working in a multi-streamed, complex business and will feel comfortable partnering blue chip clients playing a lead role in contract negotiations. Previous experience of working in a smaller, growth organisation would be advantageous as is an avid interest in technology digital businesses. This role requires the ability to be both hands-on and strategic and would ideally suit somebody who is passionate about mentoring and developing multi-disciplined teams. Email your CV for this job CFO ref: RDEV Our client is a fast paced, owner manager business recognised as one of the leading names in the event management sector. Headquartered in London they are now looking to recruit a commercial CFO to partner a highly driven management team. Responsible for the management of finance teams across multiple jurisdictions the successful candidate will ensure the finance function has first rate controls and processes whilst also providing key guidance on financial strategy. Main duties will include: Management of external audit and banking relationships Leading finance teams across all group offices Management of all foreign exchange activity including ensuring a robust forward buying and exchange rate management system is in place Assisting with all financial contracts with both suppliers and clients Working closely with sales and accounts team in client facing pitches This is a broad, commercial role and it is essential that the successful candidate has the ability to deliver both lsquohelicopter viewrsquo commercial financial analysis as well as bottom up detailed modelling. Excellent interpersonal skills are a pre-requisite given the importance of being able to communicate with both financial and non-financial people across the group together with the client facing nature of the role. Previous experience of working in a hands-on role in an entrepreneurial business is advantageous, as is previous change management experience. This is an excellent opportunity to be part of a growing business with exciting plans both in the UK and overseas. Email your CV for this job Finance Director ref: RDESS They are now looking to recruit a Finance Director to partner the MD, Ops Director, Chairman and Investors to monitor manage the Business Plan and drive the future growth. As FD you will be responsible for implementing a robust KPI framework to effectively measure key milestones in the Business Plan, with a focus on EBITDA and cash. Overall control of the Companyrsquos accounting function (including production of monthly management accounts and managing cash-flow) Formulate financial targets and budgets in accordance with the strategy determined by the Board Overall control of all financial transactions and accountancy matters, including audit systems Corporate finance: managing company policies regarding capital requirements, debt, taxation, equity and acquisitions, as appropriate Preparing annual accounts and liaising with the Companyrsquos auditors Ensuring that the regulatory requirements of all statutory bodies are met regarding all the Companyrsquos affairs Overseeing VAT, intrastate, Duty, customs enquiries, Payroll and PAYE Ensure vigorous financial controls to address operational weakness and minimise corporate risk Project accounting ndash including costing analysis, variance analysis and project cash flows Manage the completion of timely and robust forecast and commentaries to facilitate the decision ma king process and to challenge forecasts and to ensure reasons for variance are fully documented including implications for production, planning and stock control Provide up to date information to the rest of the management team in regard to sales, margins, labour, stock and efficiency analysis Management of key stakeholder relationships This role would suit somebody with strong personal presence who is confident, hard-working and entrepreneurial. Ideally you will have experience of working with strategic investors and you will have a demonstrable track record of contributing to growing a business both in terms of revenue and profit. Manufacturing bespoke manufacturing experience required. Email your CV for this job UK CFO ref: RDFJ Our client is a high-growth, rapidly expanding business services company with operations in the UK and overseas. Salary: Up to 150k package plus possible equity Location: West Midlands They are now seeking a hands-on CFO with a strong operational and commercial orientation who can act as a key partner to all members of the leadership team. Having an impressive blue-chip client base the business is well positioned to capture greater market share and has long tenured relationships with many of its clients, including several key clients that have been with the company for over 20 years. Having been through an MBO in 2011 the business has subsequently doubled in size and is now working planning its next phase of development The UK CFO will be a key member of the executive leadership team and will have primary responsibility for the financial leadership of the company. The successful candidate will be responsible for ensuring that long-term business strategies are supported by effective financial strategies as well appropriate operating and financial controls, disciplines, processes and efficiencies. You will be responsible for interacting with clients, investors and other external constituents to represent the company in financial and business matters and, along with the CEO, you will be the key interface between the business and its private equity investors and banks. Key responsibilities will include but not limited to: Maintain overall responsibility for the financial operations of the company including planning and analysis, cash debt management. forecasting and budgeting, accounting, reporting, treasury, audit and tax. Develop decision support tools and analysis to inform major strategic decisions Partner with the Group CFO to deliver the information requirements of investors and funders Provide financial support to strategic transactions including playing a key role in MampA activities, including due diligence and integration Ideally you will have worked in a fast-paced, high growth business previously as it will be essential to be able to get a grip on the key deliverables quickly and to have a strong grasp of EBITDA. Previous experience of working in a PE backed leveraged business is advantageous but is not a pre-requisite. Email your CV for this job Finance Director ref: RDEHH Our client is an early stage, multi-site leisure business with exciting growth plans both in the UK and overseas. Salary: Up to 100kbenefitsequity They are now looking to recruit a Finance Director to partner an entrepreneurial CEO helping to develop future strategy whilst also ensuring the necessary systems and controls are in place to support a rapidly growing business. This role will have full responsibility for finance and specifically the job will involve Hands-on management and production of all financial information to enable timely reporting to the Board Cash flow management and forecasting Management and negotiation of all commercial agreements with suppliers New site appraisal Management of new site fit-out projects and respective budgets Liaison with all key stakeholders, including playing a key role in raising bank debt Given this is a fast growing business, the successful candidate will need to have a truly lsquohands-onrsquo approach and will ideally have worked in a PE backed business previously. Experience of having helped a business to grow and or experience of achieving an exit or change of funding partner would also be advantageous. Email your CV for this job CFO ref: JA700 Our client is a cutting edge, international, private equity backed technology business based in Prague. Salary: Circa 150,000 Upside The organisation has an impressive blue chip customer list and is on a successful growth trajectory. The CEO is looking to hire a CFO to partner him and help drive the business to the next stage of growth and ultimately through to a successful exit for all stakeholders. This CFO role will be highly visible throughout the organisation and the successful candidate will be required to add both strategic value at Board Level, as well as be able and willing to ldquoroll up hisher sleevesrdquo and get immersed in the day to day detail of running the Finance function with additional IT and HR responsibility. The successful candidate must have excellent academic qualifications and a proven track record of commercial success ideally combining experience of both PLC ldquobest practicerdquo organisations as well as entrepreneurial private equity backed organisations. The role will require a minimum of 4 days per week in Prague. Interested candidates should send their cv plus current salary and notice details to Joanna Adolph at EquityFD. Email your CV for this job CFO ref: RO10 Our client has an impressive track record of profitable organic growth that has been achieved on the back of the core values of entrepreneurship, innovation and investment. Location: South East The business is privately owned and the sights of the management team are fixed on continued growth in the UK with a view to a transaction likely to be an IPO. To complement the skills of the existing leadership team our client now seeks a new CFO to play a key, high profile role in the next stages of the Companyrsquos development. Reporting to the CEO, the CFO will be responsible for all financial reporting and control, tax structuring and compliance. This is a truly commercial role with responsibility across the business at the highest level and will play a key part in the continued growth and planned transaction, in the short to medium term. Candidates should possess the following attributes: a qualified accountant with significant experience at a senior level strong financial control skills gained in a high performance culture and a proactive hands-on approach real business instincts and a broad mindset entrepreneurial spirit, drive, flexibility and high energy levels at ease in an informal internal culture with a good sense of humour good credibility with investors. Experience of a quoted plc, dealing with investors and analysts andor playing a leading role in an IPO would be highly advantageous. If you believe that you have the skills and personality to make this role a success please send your CV together with salary and notice period details to contact details removed quoting reference RO10. Email your CV for this job CFO ref: RDTB Our client is a fast paced business services company with fantastic growth opportunities. Salary: Circa 120,000 Participation They are now looking to recruit a CFO working closely with an excellent CEO and Chairman. As a key member of the Executive Management team, the CFO will need to assume a strategic role in the overall management of the company and will be looking to join a business that is ultimately working towards an exit of either a trade sale or IPO. Main responsibilities will include, but not be limited to, the following: Accountable for the administrative, financial and risk management operation ensuring effective internal controls are in place and compliance with GAAP and applicable regulatory legislation for financial and tax reporting. Responsible for planning, implementing, managing and controlling all financial related activities, including development of financial and operational strategies. Responsible for all forecasting, strategic planning, deal analysis and negotiations and investor relations. Ensure organisation capable of delivering acquirers third party DD requirements. Lead the transaction mechanics and co-ordinate external professional advisors and Board member inputs. Ensure finance department capable of delivering a successful transaction with appropriate and accurate MI forecasting. Work with and advise business stream leaders to optimise profitability. Maintain and enhance banking and funding relationships providing appropriate MI and interpretation and communication of data and business performance. Advise and challenge the Board on all aspects of business performance. This role would ideally suit an experienced CFO with a track record of delivering a successful re-financing corporate transaction and ideally you will have worked in a rapid growth environment as a lead player in business change. Having a high level of integrity and dependability you will have an overriding commercial focus with ability to see big picture. Email your CV for this job CFO ref: ROSHO Our client is a dynamic media and technology business and is at an exciting point in its development. Salary: Up to 130k Equity The business now seeks a keenly commercial and entrepreneurial Finance Director to join the team to play a key role in its future growth plans which will be both national and international ahead of an exit. The role will be challenging, requiring a qualified accountant equally at home in the detail as heshe is dealing with investorsadvisors. The ideal candidate must be prepared to roll their sleeves up and get involved in the detailed financial issues of the company, as well as working with the CEO on strategy and should be motivated by an exit driven environment. Candidates will have senior level experience, preferably in a growth business. Previous exposure to the PR, marketing, technology, software sectors will be advantageous. The role will be challenging but presents an outstanding opportunity to work in a growing company with an exciting growth plan. Interested candidates should send their details to contact details removed quoting the reference ROSHO Email your CV for this job CFO ref: ROTP Our client is technology business which is growing rapidly both organically and by acquisition. Salary: Circa 140,000 Equity It is private equity backed and as part of the ongoing development of the business, our client wishes to appoint a new CFO to the Board to work alongside the existing management team. This is a truly commercial role with responsibility across the business at the highest level and the CFO will play a key part in the continued growth of the business ahead of an exit. The role will be challenging, requiring a qualified accountant equally at home in the detail as heshe is dealing with raising finance and dealing with investorsadvisors. The right candidate will relish this opportunity to be the right hand manwoman to the CEO and will be seeking a high profile, highly accountable opportunity. Ideal candidates will be qualified accountants with significant experience at a senior level. They will have a background in technology, software andor digital media as well as MampA experience. Previous experience of operating in a leveraged environment will be advantageous. Above all they should be commercially focused individuals, keen to play a part in a driving a business forward to an exit. Email your CV for this job CFO ref: RDHAMP Our client is a high growth, private equity backed business services company based in Hampshire. Salary: Circa 100,000 Equity Having more than doubled revenues in the last 2 years the business is now looking to recruit a CFO with previous experience of working in a fast paced SME. Hands-on financial modelling, reporting and budgeting skills. Strong technical accounting including consolidation and IFRS reporting Previous experience of working in a leveraged business Responsible for HR Property Legal and IT Strong Financial Corporate Governance Demonstrable experience of developing and improving MI Reporting Experience of MampA Previous experience of managing stakeholder relationships including banks and VC PE investors Team management (finance team of 5) The successful candidate will need to be a self-starter, comfortable working autonomously and within a small company. This is a broad role and you will need to have a track record of management experience beyond the Finance function. Demonstrable experience of continually improving and challenging the status quo is essential as is a lsquocan-dorsquo approach. Email your CV for this job Group Finance Director ref: ROKL Our client is a rapidly growing property development company operating in the East Midlands region. Salary: 130000 Equity incentive Location: Bourne East As part of its ongoing development they now seek to appoint a Group Finance Director to work as a peer alongside the founder CEO. This is a truly commercial role with responsibility across the business at the highest level and the Group FD will play a key part in the growth of the company. The Group Finance Director will be responsible for overseeing all financial aspects of the company strategy as well as having a broader input into HR, legal and administration. They are to provide a robust systems and controls environment and first class management information. Ideal candidates will be qualified accountants with significant experience as a standalone finance director. They must have prior experience of all aspects of financial and commercial due diligence including strong modelling, corporate finance, strategy and all types of fundraising. A background in property development will be advantageous but is not essential. Above all candidates should be commercially focused individuals, keen to play a part in a driving a business forward. Interested candidates should apply with their CV, together with details of salary and notice period. Email your CV for this job CFO ref: JA350 EquityFD is working with a number of privately ownedprivate equityventure capital backed businesses who are anticipating exits in the next 12-18 months. Whilst secondary Buyouts and Trade Sales will always be exit options, IPO, whether main market or AIM, is also very much on their agendas. Thus we are currently specifically seeking CFOs who have had a high level of exposure to a listing process whether from an Advisor or Board Director perspective and who also have demonstrable commercial experience, ideally partnering a CEO in a high growth company. Email your CV for this job Finance Director ref: JALW Our client is a private equity backed, cutting edge consumer products business. Salary: Circa 100k EquityUpside Location: North West England The organization has a fast moving dynamic culture and is seeking to hire a new Finance Director to assist with both growth and ultimately a successful exit. The organization focuses on the UK retail market but has international suppliers This role will involve overseeing all aspects of the Finance Function and being the right hand person to the Managing Director. The ideal candidate will have been a stand alone Finance Director previously, ideally in a privately owned business. The successful candidate will be expected to be able to add strategic value at Board Level as well as be able to roll up their sleeves and get stuck into the detail of the business. The HR function will also report to this individual. The Finance Director will be expected to manage all banking and investor relationships and should be instrumental in any transactions. This business has a unique culture and successful applicants will be positive, high energy and will relish working in a rapidly moving consumer products organization. Interested candidates should send their CV plus salary and notice details to candidatesequityfd Email your CV for this job Finance Director ref: RDMC Our client is a cash generative and long established leisure business in central London, with an annual turnover of c.8m. Working alongside the MD, you will not only be an exceptional accountant and hands-on with company finances, but will also be commercially aware, advising on the best path of growth for the business. Having overall control and responsibility for all financial aspects of the company strategy you will be expected to analyse figures and implement recommendations based on these findings, with the most profitable outcomes. You will be adept at managing and leading a team, through busy periods including month end, year-end, audit and annual budgeting and will have excellent communication skills. The role will involve overseeing all financial aspects of the company strategy and you will be responsible for the full flow of financial information to the MD and the Board. MAIN DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES To form a close working relationship with the Managing Director, other Senior Executives and Non Executives Provide leadership to the companyrsquos Finance and Accounting strategy, to optimise the companyrsquos financial performance and strategic position Take overall responsibility of the companyrsquos accounting function Contribute fully to the development of company strategy across all areas of the business, challenging assumptions and decision-making as appropriate and providing financial analysis and guidance on all activities, plans, targets and business drivers Ensure that company financial systems and controls are robust, compliant and support current activities and future growth Lead and develop finance teams Work with senior teams to grow the business, formulating strategies and plans Ensure corporate budgeting processes are carried out and reviewed Take ultimate responsibility for the company cash management policies Present monthly operating performance to the Board Present annual accounts to the Board Ensure that the regulatory requirements of all statutory bodies are met Corporate finance manage company policies regarding capital requirements, debt and taxation, as appropriate Establish a high level of credibility and manage strong working relationships with external parties including suppliers and advisors Qualified member of an accountancy body or holder of an equivalent qualification (ACA, CIMA or ACCA) Meet the requirement for a commercially astute, articulate, technically strong, dynamic, insightful and influential leader with the ability to operate at both strategic and operational levels Exceptional communication skills at all levels Strong IT skills, particularly Excel, and ability to develop financial models Energetic, highly motivated, with an enquiring mind and a passion for excellence and innovation in pursuit of business growth and success. Email your CV for this job Finance Director ref: RDAFTV Our client is a high growth technology media business with exciting growth plans for the future. They are now looking to recruit a Finance Director to join a highly driven management team. Reporting to the CEO and managing a small team across three territories, main responsibilities include: Preparation of monthly management accounts, statutory account and annual audit. Management of local and overseas finance staff . o Daily cash management and credit control o Compliance including VAT returns and tax Advise the CEO on financial planning and forecasting, assist with fundraising and shareholder transactions. Production and timely delivery of accurate, relevant and clear management information via Board Pack. Ability to present financials to Board Members. Ability to explore financial and tax implications, and risks and benefits of commercial and strategic partnerships. Submission amp management of annual RampD tax refund claims. Ideally you will have held a Sole Charge Head of Finance role previously and will ideally have experience of working at Group level. Having a good knowledge of Corporate Tax, including Transfer Pricing and Capital Gains you will also need excellent Excel skills together with multi-currency consolidations. Experience of working with the US is essential as is an ability to communicate effectively across all levels of the business, including the board and shareholders. Email your CV for this job Business Development Director ref: RDNTU Our client is a rapidly growing software and services company with an impressive international client base. The business is looking to further strengthen one of its fastest growing sectors with the appointment of a new Business Development Manager. Responsible forgenerating new business opportunities, the successful candidate willnecessarily need a financial background as the company specialises in providingfinancial model build and training to a broad range of companies. Having proven project and team managementskills, this is a senior business development and management role, not a seniormodeller role. It would ideally suitsomebody with first rate networking skills who is happy to work from homewhilst also being an integral part of a geographically distributed team. Ideally you will have had experience ofworking as a modeller at some point in your career and will now be looking tocapitalise on that experience working in a fast paced, business developmentrole. Some travel required and a secondlanguage would be advantageous. Excellentprospects. Email your CV for this job Group Corporate Finance Director ref: RDEN Our client is a PE backed renewables business with exciting growth plans for the future. As a result of the growth they are now looking to recruit the newly created role of Group Corporate Finance Director, a role that will involve extensive exposure to the Board, from both an operational and finance perspective. The role will be responsible for all financing aspects of the Groups business and the successful candidate will have extensive experience of raising both corporate and project finance, equity and debt and will have a track record of engaging with external financiers and closing transactions. This is a crucial appointment for the group and will suit candidates who relish the challenge of working as an integral part of a senior multi-disciplinary team. You will have strong leadership and management qualities, a balance of technical, intellectual and commercial skills. The business is on an exit trajectory and thus candidates should share the value creation mind-set of the rest of the Board and the investors. Email your CV for this job Director of Group Business Operations ref: JADOBO Our client is a cutting edge SaaS technology business backed by private equity investors. The organization is international with several European locations and is undergoing significant growth with a revenue approaching 100m and over 500 staff and more than 10,000 customers. Salary: Six figure salary plus benefits Location: Thames Valley This role is newly created, reports directly to the CEO and will be a key member of the senior management team. The key responsibility of this position is to implement best business processes across the whole organization. That means defining, creating and maintaining appropriate reporting metrics to enhance current reporting and provide all areas of the business with meaningful, commercially relevant information to help drive the business forwards towards the ultimate aim of a successful exit for all stakeholders. The key aim of the role is to ensure Best Practice across the entire organization whilst also contributing to commercial decision making and adding value at a strategic and highly operational level. The ideal candidate will most probably have a background in finance and should have worked within fast moving, dynamic organizations where change and growth have been endemic. This role is highly visible and as such requires that the successful candidate will be confident, polished and credible. The ideal candidate must be bright, intellectually agile and able to forge effective, productive working relationships easily and quickly. Suitable qualifications should include a decent undergraduate degree or MBA, an accounting qualification and another European language if possible. Email your CV for this job Finance Director ref: RDLC Our client is a high end leisure business with exciting growth plans for the future. They are now looking to recruit an exceptional FD to partner the MD as the business enters the next stage of growth. Ideally you will be seeking a highly visible role in a business that has an enviable reputation in the niche it operates in. Managing a small finance team you will have full responsibility for day to day finance but this is a broad role and will also encompass HR and IT duties. The successful candidate is likely to be a qualified accountant with strong attention to detail and ideally you will have held a senior finance role previously in an entrepreneurial business. Experience of working in a leisure hospitality business advantageous. Email your CV for this job CFO ref: RDDO Our client is a high growth technology business with impressive growth plans both in the UK and overseas. Salary: 80,000 - 120,000 depending on experience They are now looking to appoint a CFO who will partner an entrepreneurial CEO to further develop company strategy whilst also managing new reporting and compliance regimes during a period of rapid organic and MampA based growth. The company is profitable with a compelling business model, operating globally, currently through 5 subsidiaries. The CFO role will be a main board position with full responsibility for the finance function and implementation of the financial strategy across the Group, including management of a small finance team. This is a hands-on role working as part of a highly driven management team and would ideally suit somebody who is looking for a broad CFO opportunity in a fast paced company. Email your CV for this job CFOCOO ref: RDLS Our client is a fast growing, PE backed retail business with exciting expansion plans both in the UK and overseas. Based in central London the successful candidate will be looking to join a highly driven management team and entrepreneurial CEO. Salary: 90,000 - 100,000 plus benefits This is a truly broad CFO COO role incorporating responsibility for operations across the entire business. The successful candidate will be responsible for the delivery of both finance and operations strategies as well as influencing company strategy and leading future fundraising. The company has an experienced and committed Chairman and investors. Finance and management reporting function, supporting the Board through preparation of budgets and financial reports and providing advice and guidance on financial strategy Ensuring robust systems, controls and processes are in place to support a high growth business Financial leadership of fundraising initiatives Management of outsourced service providers, including warehouse and logistics Lead and deliver the operations strategy Partnering the CEO ensuring effective delivery of company strategy Previous experience of working in either a retailwholesale business would be advantageous but not essential. This role would suit a change manager with excellent interpersonal skills who thrives in a fast paced environment Email your CV for this job Finance Director ref: ROPF Our client is digital media business which is private equity backed and which is going through a cultural change. As part of the ongoing development of the business, our client wishes to appoint a new CFO to the Board to work alongside the existing management team. This is a truly commercial role with responsibility across the business at the highest level and the CFO will play a key part in the continued growth of the business ahead of an exit. Salary: Up to 150,000 plus equity The role will be challenging, requiring some a qualified accountant equally at home in the detail as heshe is dealing with raising finance and dealing with investorsadvisors. The right candidate will relish this opportunity to be the right hand manwoman to the MD and will be seeking a high profile, highly accountable opportunity. Ideal candidates will be qualified accountants with significant experience at a senior level. They will have a background in technology, digital media andor publishing. Previous experience of operating in a leveraged environment would be advantageous. Above all they should be commercially focused individuals, keen to play a part in a driving a business forward to an exit. Email your CV for this job Finance Director ref: ROVS Our client is consumer facing branded business which is private equity backed. As part of its ongoing development they now seek to appoint a new CFO to the Board to work alongside the existing management team. This is a truly commercial role with responsibility across the business at the highest level and the CFO will play a key part in the continued growth of the business ahead of an exit. Salary: Up to 200,000 plus equity The CFO will be responsible for overseeing all financial aspects of the company strategy and for the flow of meaningful financial information to the CEO, Board and external financial institutions and investors. Ideal candidates will be qualified accountants with significant experience at a senior level. They will have a background in retail andor wholesale businesses, and have international experience, MampA, foreign exchange and treasury skills. Previous experience of operating in a leveraged environment is essential. Above all they should be commercially focused individuals, keen to play a part in a driving a business forward to an exit. Email your CV for this job Finance Director ref: ROSPAIN Our client is a dynamic, multi-site leisure business with an exciting growth plan. Its operations are based in Spain and the intention is to roll the business model out across Spain and other growth markets ahead of an exit. The management are seeking a keenly commercial and entrepreneurial FD to join them to play a key role in the future growth plans of the business. Salary: 100,000 plus equity The ideal candidate will have worked in a fast growth company and must be prepared to roll their sleeves up and get involved in the detailed financial issues of the business, as well as contributing to strategic issues. They must also have experience of working in a multi-site consumer facing business in Spain andor have roll out experience gained in Spain. A background in leisure, retail, multi-site and consumer facing organisations will be most relevant. Experience of working in Spain and the ability to speak fluent Spanish are essential. The role will be challenging but presents an outstanding opportunity to work in a well-financed, growing company with an exciting growth plan. Interested candidates should send their CV together with salary and notice period details to candidatesequityfd quoting the reference ROSPAIN. Email your CV for this job UK Finance Director ref: JAUK Our client is a multi-national business services group who are now looking to appoint a new UK Finance Director as a result of high business growth both organically and by acquisition and on a global basis. Salary: 110,000 - 130,000 plus benefits Reporting to the EMEA CFO and covering the Middle East and Nordic areas as well as the UK, this is an exciting opportunity to join a business that is currently undergoing significant change and is expected to increase its presence as a market leader in its sector. The UK activities represent a large proportion of the Group operations and as such this role will be high profile within the organisation. The ideal candidate should have a demonstrable track record of leading a finance function within a significant sized services organisation and should be comfortable reporting at Board level. Key duties of the role will include: Leadership of UK finance team Support the EMEA CFO in driving the business forward for bottom line growth Support the business through change related initiatives Ensure the UK divisions systems are robust, compliant and support business needs Ensure all UK management accounting and internal reporting is accurate and sent out on time Ensure that all statutory reporting and requirements are met This role is a highly visible role and the ideal candidate will be confident, capable and excited by working in a fast moving and challenging environment. This role would be ideal for a Finance Director with experience of leading a finance function in a legal or accounting organisation who is looking to move into a more entrepreneurial organisation. Email your CV for this job Finance Director ref: RDHW Our client is a fast growing PE backed distribution business that is now looking to recruit a Finance Director to further strengthen a highly driven management team. Location: South West Candidates must be professionally qualified accountants (ACAACCAACMA) with operational experience, preferably involving distribution or wholesale. Ideally having previous experience of working in an entrepreneurial SME with VC backing this is a truly hands-on role requiring a focus on ensuring the necessary systems and controls are in place to support a rapidly evolving business. The company is ultimately working towards an exit and as such the successful candidate will need to be comfortable working in a role which has high visibility with all stakeholders investors. This is a fantastic opportunity for an FD looking to join a fast paced, high energy business with a strong growth trajectory. Email your CV for this job Finance Director ref: RNSHL Our client is a private equity backed services business that has experienced a huge amount of growth over the last 18months. The business is very much client facing and customer focussed. Reporting to the CFO and working with the management team. The business requires a high calibre individual who can cope with the challenges and fun of a fast paced company. Duties will include: Play an active part of the management board and contribute to strategic decision making Full responsibility for timely financial reporting and reporting and development of KPIrsquos Develop the current financial model to ensure forecasts and operational decisions can be delivered in a timely manner. Close management of transactional finance and close cash management. You will be a qualified accountant with experience of working within a fast growth private equity backed company. You will be an experienced interim and be able to easily build relationships quickly across operational areas Email your CV for this job Finance Director ref: JACK Our client is a private equity backed banded, supply and distribution business in a good position to grow. It is within an easy commute of Central London. The organisation has relationships with key retailers both large multiples and independent retailers. Salary: 120,000 - 140,000 plus equity The business now seeks to appoint a new Finance Director. The role will be to work very closely with the CEO and the rest of the Board driving through change, growth and ultimately a successful exit. The ideal candidate will have previous private equity experience and will be comfortable working with banks and investors generally. In addition strong cash management skills and some experience of managing foreign exchange are essential to this role. The business has a small ldquohands onrdquo finance function and it is essential that the successful candidate has previously held a stand alone Finance Director role. It would also be ideal if applicants have had previous experience in a consumer products environment with a good level of exposure to supply chaindistribution. Email your CV for this job UK Finance Director ref: ROLJ Our client is a specialist services group with an international presence. It is UK based, private equity backed and is growing rapidly both organically and by acquisition. As part of the Groups ongoing development plan, the business now seeks a UK Finance Director to join the team to play a key role in its future growth and exit plans Salary: 100k benefits options This is a multi faceted role providing an exciting opportunity for a senior finance professional to work closely with the Group CFO and to partner to the UK MD. The successful candidate will be an authoritative executive with proven success at either director level, or controller level. Ideally they will have had experience within both smaller and larger organisations. The role will require an outstanding, experienced individual with the ability to work at the highest level as well as to take operational responsibility for the reporting and management of the finance function in its entirety. The role will be instrumental in developing all operational aspects of financial control, planning, systems, tax and treasury operations. The ideal candidate will have a strong academic background and experience of working within an international group of companies. This should include a mixture of blue chip, best practice coupled with hands on knowledge of group consolidations. This role is an ideal stepping stone for an individual whose ultimate goal is to become the CFO of a private equity backed or listed group of companies. Interested candidates should send their details to candidatesequityfd quoting the reference ROLJ. Email your CV for this job Finance Director ref: ROFD Our client is a multi-site specialist retail business operating across the UK in stand-alone stores and concessions. As part of its ongoing development they now seek to appoint a new Finance Director to the Board to work as a peer alongside the CEO. This is a truly commercial role with responsibility across the business at the highest level and the FD will play a key part in the continued growth of the Group. Salary: 100,000 plus equity incentive The Finance Director will be responsible for overseeing all financial aspects of the company strategy and for the flow of meaningful financial information to the CEO, Board and investors. Ideal candidates will be qualified accountants with significant experience at a senior level. They will most likely have a background in the consumer arena with experience of managing stock. Previous experience of the retail environment, multi-site operations, private equity and operating in a leveraged environment would also be advantageous. Above all candidates should be commercially focused individuals, keen to play a part in a driving a business forward Email your CV for this job Finance Director (Part-time, Permanent) ref: RDFA Our client is a VC backed fast growing media business and they are now looking to recruit a part-time Finance Director to work closely with a highly driven management team. Salary: 100k pro rata (40k for 8 days per month) It is likely you will have had previous experience working in an SME where there is a need to be truly hands-on, ensuring the smooth running of operational finance, whilst being comfortable managing key stakeholder relationships, including banks and external investors. This role would ideally suit someone with previous experience of working in a media advertising business and the role is likely to require a total commitment of 8 days per month. Email your CV for this job Interim Financial Controller (6 months) ref: RNBOS Our client is a private equity backed business services company that are growing rapidly. The CFO requires a hands on financial controller to manage and motivate a small established team. Location: Central London Preparation of financial statements Monthly management accounts, variance analysis and management reports. Budgeting and forecasting, 3 year business plan preparation. Financial modelling and KPI monitoring and development Ad-hoc projects for the CFO You will be a UK qualified accountant with experience of working within a commercial business as financial controller. You will be comfortable presenting financial information to senior executives and have a passion for working with entrepreneurial businesses. Email your CV for this job Finance Director ref: RDCD Our client is a rapidly growing on-line consumer branded retail business with fantastic opportunities ahead. The business is now looking to recruit a Finance Director who will act as the key support to the CEO and will share responsibility for the effective execution of the strategic plan. Salary: 100,000 plus benefits This is a fantastic opportunity for somebody who is looking to work in a broad FD role partnering a highly driven, entrepreneurial CEO. Main duties will include: Management of the company accounts department Management of the companyrsquos relationship with bank and card service providers Ensuring cash is managed effectively and efficiently Maintenance of an appropriate controls environment to support growth and to ensure robust underlying accounting records Successful development and management of commercial agreements with customers It is likely you will have a strong lsquohands-onrsquo work ethic, able and willing to roll up sleeves and get into the detail as and when required. Ideally you will have a track record of successful management and building of an effective finance function in an fast paced, entrepreneurial business. Email your CV for this job copy2017 FD. Direct Limited, 10 Market Mews, London W1J 7BZ. Registered in England No 4035641 Website design by Electric PuttyHighlights Power for the medium-scale and industrial producer: - The VF 622 with its mighty 72 bar filling pressure is the solution specifically designed for products which are difficult to process. The Handtmann vane cell feed system, which is particularly impressive when processing dry sausage due to its first-class evacuation, really comes into its own with the VF 622 vacuum filler in conjunction with inline grinding technology. - First-rate quality with inline grinding system technology: - The strengths of the VF 622 are demonstrated in particular when it is used in conjunction with inline grinding technology with AL systems. It brings key quality advantages for the production of dry sausage and small-calibre dry sausage snacks. - Integrated weight compensation: - First-class quality products, accurate to the gram coupled with excellent production output. The weight compensation, integrated as standard, ensures further improvement in portioning accuracy Polyclip automatic double Clipper 3430-18, used machine in excellent condtion. - Matrizze 158 and 156 - For a range of calibres from 24 to 120 mm - Up to 150 cycles per minute - Suitable for plastic, fibrous and collagen casings - EASY TOUCH for easy and comfortable operation - Robust stainless steel design ensures long machine life - Reel clips: type 12, 15 and 18 Stepless drive up to 5050 rpm. Used machine in good working order. REX Filler 761 with Grinder and RKS 85 - 2x REX Filler 911 and REX Filler 740 In excellent condition, last service was made by Company Rex in Oct. 2016. - RVF 761 - the industrial power house: - The RVF 761 is particularly designed for the processing of very cold or very tough charges and guarantees to meet the highest performance expectations. Thanks to the extra strong design of the servo drive in combination with the innovative REX control system, RVF 761 can produce filling pressure of up to 70 bar this advantage come to its full in conjunction with the REX filling mincer technology. In excellent order, overhauled in Oct. 2016 by Company REX. - RVF 911 - the power house: - The RVF 911 is designed for industrial use in meat-processing businesses as well as larger, sometimes highly specialized, processing units. It particular feature is its incredible filling capacity. The further increase in throughput compared with the RVF 500 and 700 Series represents the optimum solution for individual applications, but also for incorporation into complete line solutions with various clipping machines or other attachments. The housing with its smooth and hygienic design is self-supporting and made completely from stainless steel. For straight filling only. Last Service was made by Company REX in Oct. 2016. - RVF 911 - the power house: - The RVF 911 is designed for industrial use in meat-processing businesses as well as larger, sometimes highly specialized, processing units. It particular feature is its incredible filling capacity. The further increase in throughput compared with the RVF 500 and 700 Series represents the optimum solution for individual applications, but also for incorporation into complete line solutions with various clipping machines or other attachments. The housing with its smooth and hygienic design is self-supporting and made completely from stainless steel. In very good order. Last Service was made in Oct. 2016 by Company Rex. - RVF 740 Innovative top solution: - As the RVF 540. the RVF 740 is designed for small and medium meat-processing businesses as well as larger, sometimes highly specialized, processing units. The smooth and hygienically design housing with larger dimensions than the 540 series is self-supporting and completely made from stainless steel. The extra robust vane cell feed system ensures the greatest portioning precision with maximum working time. - It ensures that all charges are transported as gently as possible without any squashing, squeezing or tearing, especially for larger sausage meat charges or larger pieces of meat. The feed systems come with 16, 14 or 6 vanes, or optionally with blind vanes. RKS 85 - the calibration genius: - The REX RKS is the universal solution for the exact calibration of all artificial and natural casings it is also so adaptable that it can be integrated into all process solutions. It was designed to meet the requirements of different-sized operations. The most important aspect of calibration is to define an exact length and best possible weight precision as the basis for cost-efficient production. The ability to switch easily from artificial to natural casings and vice versa is a further important faction towards efficiency and versatility. - The sausages twisted off by the holding device are directly passed on to the two conveyer belts of the RKS. This arrangement optimizes the twisting-off process and minimizes the number of rejects due to split skins. The conveyor belts are height-adjustable and are thus easy to set for all casing sizes. In the RKS, casings are calibrated to the desired diameter, thus ensuring that the sausages produced are of identical weight and length. This increases the product quality, and allows you to meet your specific quality criteria. Used machine in good working order.
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